Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/224

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[A.D. 1535

35. Provided alway, That Lands Tenements and Hereditaments lying in the said Country and Dominion of Wales, which have been used Time out of Mind, by the laudable Customs of the said Country, to be departed and departable among Issues and Heirs Males, shall still so continue and be used in like Form, Fashion and Condition, as if this Act had never been had nor made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

36. Provided also, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the King's Highness notwithstanding this Act or any Thing therein contained shall have Power and Authority for the Term of three Years next after the end and Dissolution of this present Parliament, to suspend for such Time as shall please his Grace or utterly to repeal, revoke and abrogate, this whole Act or any Part thereof, from Time to Time, as shall stand with his most gracious Pleasure, so that every such suspending, repeal and revocation from Time to Time as often as any such Case shall happen, shall be made in writing under the Great Seal of England, and be annexed to the Roll of this present Parliament wherein this Act shall be enrolled and Proclamations thereupon to be made in every Shire, within the said Country and Dominion of Wales; and that every such suspending, repeal and revocation, so to be had and made by the King's Highness, shall be as good and effectual to all Intents and Purposes, as if the same had been done by Authority of this present Parhament; this Act, or anything therein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

37. And whereas by this present Act there is appointed one Chancery and one Exchequer at Brecknock and another Chancery and Exchequer at Denbigh, it is enacted by Authority aforesaid, That the King's Highness, from Time to Time, within the Term of five Years next after the End of this Parliament, for the due Ministration of Justice in the said Country of Wales shall have Power and Authority to erect, make and ordain such Court or Courts, and so many Courts of Record and such and so many Justices, Ministers, Officers and Clerks, as by his Highness within the Time of five Years next after the End of this present Parliament shall be thought sufficient and convenient, as well for the due execution of this Act, or of any Thing or Things that shall be had done or made by Authority of the same as for the good Governance and Rule of the said Country of Wales.

38. Provided alway, That this Act, or any Thing or Things to be