Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/225

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A.D. 1536]

done by Authority thereof, shall not be prejudicial to any Person or Persons which now have by the King's Letters Patent any Office or Offices of Prothonotary or Clerk of the Crown in the said Country or Dominion of Wales; but that they and every of them shall and may still have and use their Offices in as large and ample Manner Form, Fashion, and Condition, as if this Act, nor any Thing to be done by Authority thereof, had never been had or made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

39. Provided also, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, extend not or in any wise be prejudicial or hurtful to Sir Walter Devereux, Knight of the noble Order of the Garter, and Lord Ferrers of Chartley of, for and concerning the Offices of Chief Justice of South Wales, the Office of Chamberlain of South Wales, and of the Counties of Caermarthen and Cardigan in South Wales aforesaid, and of and for the Office of the Stewardship of the Lordship of Bealth in the Marches of South Wales, and of and for the Office of Receivership of the said Lordship of Bealth, or of, for and concerning any of the said Offices; but that the said Lord Ferrers may have, use, exercise and enjoy the said Offices, and every of them with all Fees, Wages, Emoluments, Commodities and Profits to the same Offices, or to any of them in any wise belonging or appertaining in as large and ample Manner, Form and Condition, as if the said Act had never been had or made.

A.D. 1536]
28 Henry 8, c. 3.
An Act giving the King's Highness authority to allot the Townships of WALES at any time within three year next ensuing.

Where in the Parliament begun and holden at London the third day of November in the 21st year of the reign of our most dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth and from thence adjourned to Westminster and there holden and continued by divers prorogations unto the fourth day of February in the 27th year of the reign of our said Sovereign Lord, and then and there holden and continued unto the dissolution thereof, one act and ordinance was made in the Session of the said Parliament holden the said 4th day of February, whereby amongst other things divers Shires and Counties were