Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/249

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A.D. 1542-3]

Power and Authority to do and exercise their Offices, and have like Fees, as is limited by the Laws and Statutes of England.

69. Provided always, That the Writ De Coronatore eligendo, to choose the Coroners within the said County of Flint, shall be directed out of the Exchequer of Chester.

70. Item, That the said Justices of the Peace, or two of them at the least, whereof one of them to be of the Quorum, shall appoint and name, in every hundred within the Limits of their Commissions, two substantial Gentlemen or Yeomen, to be the chief Constables of the Hundred wherein they inhabit: which two Constables of every Hundred shall have a special Regard to the Conservation of the King's Peace, and shall and may do and use their Offices in all and singular Things, as is used by the High Constables of the Hundreds in England, and shall be bound to all Things as the High Constables of the Hundreds in England be bound to do.

71. Item, That every of the said Sheriffs shall have a Gaol for Prisoners within some convenient Place of the Castles of the Shire-towns where he is Sheriff, or in such other convenient Place, as by the said President, Council and Justices, or three of them, whereof the said President to be one, shall be appointed: any Patent or Grant heretofore made to any Person or Persons of the Constableship or Keeping of any of the said Castles in any wise notwithstanding. And that the Sheriff shall make the Bailiffs of the Hundreds, and they to attend upon the Justices in every of their Courts and Sessions.

72. Provided always, That the Constables of the King's Castles within every of the said Shire-towns of Wales shall not be charged with the Gaols, and of all the Prisoners that shall be committed to their Ward, like as they have heretofore been, until such Time, convenient Places for that Purpose be assigned to the said Sheriff.

73. Item, The said Sheriffs shall keep their Counties monthly, and their Hundred Courts for Pleas under 40s., as is used in England; and shall take for the entering of Plaints, Process, Pleas and Judgments in the said Shire-courts and Hundreds, such small Fees as is used to be taken in Shires and Hundreds in England, and not above.

74. Item, That all manner of Trials before them in their said Courts, or before any Stewards in Court-Barons, shall be by Wager of Law, or Verdict of six Men, at the Pleasure of the Party Plaintiff or Defendant that pleaded the Plea.