Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/250

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[A.D. 1542-3

75. And that every of the said Sheriffs shall keep and hold their Torns yearly after Easter and Michaelmas, as they have been used in England.

76. Item, the King's Highness shall have all manner of Fines, Issues, Amerciaments, and Forfeitures lost or forfeited in any of the said Counties, Hundreds, Courts and Torns, to his own Use, and the Sheriff to account for the same accordingly.

77. Item, That the Estreats of the said Torns, Counties and Hundreds shall be viewed, and the Fines, Issues and Amerciaments afferred by the said Justices of Assises of that Circuit, before the levying of the same Amerciaments or other Forfeitures; and that no Sheriff, or any of his Ofificers, presume to gather or levy any such Amerciament, or other Forfeiture, before the said Estreat be so affered, upon Pain to forfeit to the King's Use 40s, And that the Sheriff upon every Judgment had before him in his County or Hundred Court, in any Plaint under 40s. shall and may award a Capias ad satisfaciendum, to arrest the Party condemned, or else a Fieri fac' at the Liberty of the Party pursuant.

78. Item, That all Bills sued before the said Justices in personal Actions, whereof the Debt, Duty or Damage is under 40s. the Sheriffs shall have for the return of every Bill 2d. and every Venire fac', Tales, Habeas corp', and Distr', 2d. and for Writs of Execution upon the Judgment in any such Bill, 12d.

79. Item, In Bills sued before the said Justices in Actions personal above the sum of 40s. the Sheriff shall have, for the Return of every such Bill, 4d. and for the Return of every Venire fac', Habeas corp', Distr', and Tales, 4d. and for every Writ of Execution 2 s. And in all personal Actions sued by original Writs returnable before the said Justices, the Sheriff shall have for every Iterum sum' Distr' and alias Distr', 4d. and for every Venire fac' Habeas corp', Distr' and Tales, 6d. and for every Writ of Execution to be executed upon the Judgment in such Actions, 2s. For the serving of every Writ of Eligit, 6s. 8d. And in all real Actions, or mixt, pursued before the said Justices by original Writ, for Return of every Original, 2s. and for the Return of every other Writ and judicial Process depending upon the same, before Judgment, 2s. and for every Writ of Execution after Judgment, upon every original, in Actions real or mixt, 2s. and for the serving of every Writ of Haberi fac' seisinam, 6s. 8d.

80. Item, For Attachments upon Capias, or other Process sued