Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/331

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A.D. 1713]

custom and usage of and for paying demanding or taking any mortuary or corse present or any goods thing or things for or in the name of a mortuary or corse present upon the death of any clergyman within the said respective dioceses or jurisdictions shall from the respective times aforesaid for ever be absolutely abolished and void and no mortuary or corse present or sum or sums of money for or in lieu of the same or in the name thereof shall be yielded paid answered or satisfied or be due or payable by any person or persons to any bishop of either of the said dioceses or other person or persons claiming by from or under any such bishop, And that from and after the respective times aforesaid it shall not be lawful to or for the respective bishops of the said dioceses or any of them their or any or either of their successors farmers bailiffs or lessees or any of them or any other person or persons whatever claiming by or under such bishops or any or either of them to take receive or demand of any person or persons any manner of mortuary or corse present or any sum or sums of money or other thing for or in the name lieu or stead of any mortuary or corse present or to convene cite sue or prosecute any person or persons before any judge spiritual or in any of her Majesties courts of law or other court whatsoever for the recovery of or for touching or concerning any mortuary or corse present or any thing in lieu thereof for or by reason or on account of the death of any priest or clergyman within the said respective dioceses or jurisdictions at any time after the respective times aforesaid any thing in the said recited Act or any law custom or usage whatever to the contrary notwithstanding.

2. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Recompense and Satisfaction to the Bishop of St. Asaph and his Successors, for such Mortuaries as might arise or become due or payable to the said Bishop of St. Asaph, or his Successors, by Virtue of the said recited Act, upon the Death of any Priest or Clergyman, the Rectory Sine Cura, which shall first after the said four and twentieth Day of June one thousand seven hundred and fourteen, happen to be void, and be in the Collation of the Bishop of the said Diocese of St. Asaph, or any of his Successors, shall immediately upon such Vacancy, and from thenceforth be annexed and united to the said Bishoprick of Bangor for ever; and all and every the Profits, Rights, Dues, Benefits, and Advantages whatsoever, of the same Rectory, or thereto in any wise belonging or appertaining, shall or may be had, received, taken, and enjoyed