Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/332

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[A.D. 1713

by the Bishop of the said Diocese and his Successors for ever.

3. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Recompense and Satisfaction to the Bishop of Bangor and his Successors, for such Mortuaries as might arise or become due or payable to the said Bishop of Bangor or his Successors, by virtue of the said recited Act, upon the Death of any Priest or Clergyman, the Rectory Sine Cura, which shall next happen to be void, and be in the Collation of the Bishop of the said Diocese of Bangor, or any of his Successors, shall, immediately upon such Vacancy, and from thenceforth be annexed and united to the said Bishoprick of Bangor for ever; and all and every the Profits, Rights, Dues, Benefits, and Advantages whatsoever, of the same Rectory, or thereto in any wise belonging or appertaining, shall or may be had, received, taken, and enjoyed by the Bishop of the said Diocese of Bangor and his Successors for ever.

4. Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall extend to enable any Bishop in either of the said Dioceses of St. Asaph and Bangor, to demise, let or set; and that it shall not be lawful to or for the Bishops of either of the said Dioceses, or any of their Successors, to demise, lease, set, or let to Farm, or otherwise, either of such Rectories Sine Cura, annexed and united to the respective Bishopricks of St. Asaph and Bangor, as afore-mentioned, or any the Rights, Dues, Benefits or Profits thereof, for any longer Time than such Bishop, by whom any Lease of either of the said Rectories Sine Cura shall be made, shall continue Bishop of the said Diocese; any Statute, Law, or Usage whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding.

5. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Recompense and Satisfaction to the Bishop of Llandaff and his Successors, for such Mortuaries as might arise or become due or payable to the said Bishop of Llandaff, or his Successors, by virtue of the said recited Act, upon the Death of any Priest or Clergyman, whensoever the Treasurership with the Prebend thereto annexed, founded in the Cathedral Church of Landaff, shall next happen to be void, the said Treasurership and Prebend shall, immediately upon such Vacancy, and from thenceforth be annexed and united to the said Bishoprick of Landaff for ever; and all and every the Profits, Rights, Dues, Benefits and Advantages whatsoever, of the said Treasurership and Prebend, or thereto in any wise belonging