Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/440

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Wales, Statute of Jeofails extened to, 197
under the Tudors, l, lxxix
united to England, 2, 74, 76
(See Courts of Great Sessions)
Walled Towns, in Wales to be kept by Englishmen, 36
Weapon. carrying, 143
Welsherie, xxxii
Welsh Language, clergymen not conversant with not to be appointed to benefice within Wales, 252, 253, cxiii, cxvii
in Welsh Courts, xcviii
inspectors of mines, quarries and factories to have knowledge of 271, 280, cxviii
marriages in the, 252, 280, cxviii
persons speaking, not to enjoy the office unless conversant with English language, 87, lxi
provision for divine service in, in London, 262
Welsh Laws, Laws of Wales
Welshmen, against, making affrays in Hereford, Gloucester, and Salop, 95
already being burgesses or citizens, security for good behaviour, 31
batteries commited by, in Gloucester, Hereford and Salop, punishment, 63
disabled from purchasing lands in next English Counties, 31
excesses by, on English neighbours, 31
felony by, in England, 32
holding lands in England, security for good behaviour, 31
indicted of treason or felony, fleeing into Herefordshirew, process, 44
not restoring distresses in England, 32
not to be burgess or citizen, 31, 34
not to be officers in Wales, 31, 36
not to bring action for injuries in the late insurrection, 37
not to bring arms to court, 56
not to go armed, 35, 36
outlawry in case of outrages committed by, 39
outrages committed by, 32, 42
outrages committed justices of peace to inquire of, 39
penal legislation against, xliii
purchasing lands in certain counties, security for good behaviour, 31
rebellion of, 37, 38
repealing laws of Henry 4, and Henry 6, against, 167
estraints on, 31
robberies of the English in the marches by, remedy, 32, 42
shall not purchase lands in England nor English towns in Wales, 33, 34
statutes against, confirmed, 45
taking Englishmen into Wales, 42, 46
to enjoy estates transferred to them by Statute of Uses, 72-73
to find surety for good behaviour, 31
Welsh Women, Englishmen married to, not to have office in Wales, 36