Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/441

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Westva, 28, xli
Widows, how barred, as to personal estate, 193, xxcv
Will, personal estate disposed of by, 193, xcv
Women, co-heiress, inheriting, 26
Wollen Cloth, 129, 130
Wools, merchants of Wales to take, their, to the staples of England, 30
Writ of Attorney in County Court, 14
Writ of Capias Utlagatum, 138
Writ of Covenant, 13, 138
Writ of Debt, jurisdiction of county court, 13
Writ of Disseisin, 12
Writ of Dower, 12
Writ of False Judgment, 119, 128, 122
Writ of Mort D'Ancestor, forms of, 9-10
Writ of Proclamation, sheriffs not returning, 138
Writ to Chief Coroner, 15
Writs, forms of, applied to each case, 9-15, xxxiv
how used in Wales, 123
only to be made in the name of the King, 74
Writs De Excommunicato Capiendo, proceedings on, 144-145
Writs of Assize, 15
Writs of Error, as in England, 127

unwin brothers, limited. the gresham press. woking and london.