Escape. - General Buckner surrenders to General Grant. Terrible Scenes after the Battle is Over. The Ground strewn for Miles with
Dead and Dying. Wounded Men crushed by the Artillery Wagons.
The Houses of the Town of Dover filled with Wounded. My Depres
sion of Spirits on Account of the Terrible Scenes I had Witnessed. . 161
Taking a Rest at Nashville. Again on the March. I join General A. S. Johnston's Army. Wounded in a Skirmish. Am afraid of having my Sex discovered, and leave suddenly for New Orleans. In New Orleans I am suspected of being a Spy, and am Arrested. The Officer who makes the Arrest in Doubt. The Provost Marshal orders my Release. I am again arrested by the Civil Authorities on suspicion of being a Woman. No Way out of the Scrape but to reveal my Identity. Private Inter view with Mayor Monroe. The Mayor Fines and Imprisons Me. I enlist as a Private Soldier. On arriving at Fort Pillow, obtain a Trans fer to the Army of East Tennessee. . 174
Again at Memphis. Public and private Difficulties. Future Prospects. Arrival of my Negro Boy and Baggage from Grand Junction. A new uniform Suit. Prepared once more to face the World. I fall in with an old Friend. An Exchange of Compliments. Late Hours. Some of the Effects of Late Hours. Confidential Communications. The Course of true Love runs not Smooth. I renew my Acquaintance with General Lucius M. Polk. The General disposed to be Friendly. My Friend and I call on his Lady-love and her Sister. Surprising Be havior of the young Lady. A genuine Love-letter. A Secret Dis closed. Incidents of a Buggy Ride. A Declaration of Love. Lieu tenant H. T. Buford as a Lady-killer. Why should Women not pop the Question as well as Men ? A melancholy Disclosure for my Friend. I endeavor to encourage Him. A Visit to the Theatre and an enjoyable Evening.: I meet a Friend from New Orleans, and en deavor to remove any Suspicions with regard to my Identity from his Mind. Progress of my Love-affair with Miss M. The young Lady and I have our Pictures Taken. I proceed to Corinth for the Purpose of taking Part in the expected Battle. The Confederate Army advances from Corinth towards Pittsburg Landing 183
A Surprise upon the Federal Army at Pittsburg Landing Arranged. A brilliant Victory Expected. I start for the Front, and encamp for the Night at Monterey. My Slumbers disturbed by a Rain-storm. I find General Hardee near Shiloh Church, and ask Permission to take a Hand in the Fight. The Opening of the Battle. Complete Surprise of the