Federals. I see my Arkansas Company, and join It. A Lieutenant
being killed, I take his Place, amid a hearty Cheer from the Men. A
Secret Revealed. I fight through the Battle under the Command of my
Lover. Furious Assaults on the Enemy's Lines. The Bullets fly
Thick and Fast. General Albert Sydney Johnston Killed. End of the
First Day's Battle, and Victory for the Confederates. Beauregard's
Error in not pursuing his Advantage. I slip through the Lines after
Dark, and watch what is going on at Pittsburg Landing. The Gun
boats open Fire. Unpleasant Effect of Shells from big Guns. Utter
Demoralization of the Federals. Arrival of Buell with Re-enforcements.
General Grant and another general Officer pass near Me in a Boat,
and I am tempted to take a Shot at Them. I return to Camp, and wish
to report what I had seen to General Beauregard, but am dissuaded from
doing so by my Captain. Uneasy Slumbers. Commencement of the
Second Day's Fight. The Confederates unable to contend with the
Odds against Them. A lost Opportunity. The Confederates de
feated, and compelled to retire from the Field. I remain in the Woods
near the Battle-field all Night 200
The Morning after the Battle of Shiloh. My Return to Camp. A Let
ter from my Memphis Lady-love. A sad Case. My Boy Bob Missing.
I start out to search for Him. A runaway Horse, and a long Tramp
through the Mud. Return to the Battle-field. Horrible Scenes along
the Road. Out on a Scouting Expedition. Burying the Dead. I
receive a severe Wound. Along and painful Ride back to Camp.
My Wound dressed by a Surgeon, and my Sex discovered. A Fugitive.
Arrival at Grand Junction. Crowd of anxious Inquirers. Off for
New Orleans. Stoppages at Grenada, Jackson, and Osyka on Account
of my Wound. The Kindness of Friends. Fresh Attempt to reach
New Orleans. Unsatisfactory Appearance of the Military Situation.
The Passage of the Forts by the Federal Fleet. A new Field of Em
ployment opened for Me. I resume the Garments of my Sex. . . 219
Capture of Island No. 10. The impending Attack on New Orleans.
The unsatisfactory Military Situation. Confidence of Everybody in
the River Defences. My Apprehensions of Defeat. The Fall of New
Orleans. Excitement in the City on the News of the Passage of the
Forts being Received. I resolve to abandon the Career of a Soldier,
and to resume the Garments of my own Sex. Appearance of the Fleet
opposite the City. Immense Destruction of Property. My Congrat
ulations to Captain Bailey of the Navy. Mayor Monroe's Refusal to
raise the Federal Flag. General Butler assumes Command of the City.
Butler's Brutality. I procure the foreign Papers of an English Lady,
and strike up an Acquaintance with the Provost Marshal. Am intro
duced to other Officers, and through them gain Access to Headquarters.
'Colonel Butler furnishes me with the necessary Passes to get through
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