irresolution 605 ⁃ in the thoughts 505 ⁃ time punctual 132 ⁃ to 604a ⁃ together 709 ⁃ under authority 737 subjection 749 restraint 751 ⁃ up [see below] ⁃ in view attend to 457 remember 505 expect 507 ⁃ waiting 133 ⁃ watch 459 ⁃ one’s word 939
keep up continue 143 preserve 670 stimulate 824 ⁃ appearances 852 ⁃ the ball active 682 amusement 840 ⁃ a correspondence 592 ⁃ the memory of 505 ⁃ one’s spirits 836 ⁃ with 274
keeper 753
keeping congruity 23 in ⁃ 82 safe ⁃ safety 664 preservation 670
keepsake 505
keg 191
kelpie 979
kempt 652
ken sight 441 knowledge 490
kennel hovel 189 ditch 259 conduit 350
képi 225
kerb-stone 233
kerchief 225 wave a ⁃ 550
kern quern 330 low fellow 876 varlet 949
kernel central 222 important 642
ketch horse 271 ship 273
Ketch, Jack ⁃ 975
kettle vessel 191 caldron 386 ⁃ drum music 417 tea-party 892 ⁃ of fish disorder 59 difficulty 704
key cause 153 opener 260 music 413 colour 428 interpretation 522 indication 550 instrument 631, 633 emblem of authority 747
key-hole 260
key-note model 22 rule 80 music 413
key-stone support 215 motive 615 importance 642 completion 729
khan inn 189 governor 745
khedive 745
kibitka 272
kick impulse 276 recoil 277 assault 716 spurn 930 punish 972 ⁃ against oppose 708 resist 719 ⁃ against the pricks useless 645 rash 863 ⁃ the beam unequal 28 superior 33 ⁃ up a dust active 682 discord 713 insolent 885 ⁃ one’s heels kept waiting 133 nothing to do 681 ⁃ up a row violent 173 discord 713 ⁃ over the traces 742
kicking, alive and ⁃ 359
kickshaw food 298 trifle 643
kid gloves not to be handled with ⁃ dirty 653 difficult 704
kidnap deceive 545 take 789 steal 791
kidney class 75
kilderkin 191
Kilkenny cats 713
kill 361 ⁃ the fatted calf 883 ⁃ the goose with golden eggs 699 ⁃ with kindness 902 ⁃ the slain 641 ⁃ time inactivity 683 amusement 840 ⁃ two birds with one stone 682
killing 361 delightful 829
kill-joy 706
kiln 386
kilt 225
kimbo 244
kin 75
kind class 75 benevolent 906 ⁃ regards 894
kinder-garten 542
kindle cause 153 produce 161 quicken 171 inflame 173 set fire to 384 excite 824 incense 900
kindred 11
kine 366
kinematics 264
king 745 every inch a ⁃ authority 737 rank 875
King ⁃’s Bench prison 752 court 966 ⁃’s counsel 968 ⁃ Death 360 ⁃’s English 560 ⁃’s evidence 529 ⁃’s highway 627 ⁃ of Kings 976
kingcraft 693
kingdom region 181 property 780 ⁃ of heaven 981
kingly 737
kiosk house 189 temple 1000
kirk 1000
kirtle 225
kiss courtesy 894 endearment 902 ⁃ the book 535 ⁃ the hem of one’s garment 928 ⁃ in the ring 840 ⁃ the rod 725
kit class 75 knapsack, bottle 191 fiddle 417
kitcat 556
kitchen room 191 workshop 691 ⁃ maid 746
kitchener 386
kite fly 273 bill 800 fly a ⁃ credit 805 insolvency 808
kith 11
kithless 87
kitten young 129 bring forth 161 playful as a ⁃ 836, 840
kleptomania insanity 502 stealing 791 desire 865
kleptomaniac 504
knack 698 get into the ⁃ 613
knag 706
knaggy 901a
knap 306
knapsack 191
knave deceiver 548 rogue 941
knavery deception 545 cunning 702 improbity 940 vice 945
knead mix 41 mould 240 soften 324
knee angle 244 bend the ⁃ stoop 308 submission 725 down on one’s ⁃s
humble 879