fall on one’s ⁃s beg 765 atone 952 on one’s ⁃s beg 765 respect 928
knee-deep 208, 209
kneel stoop 308 submit 725 beg 765 servility 886 courtesy 894 ask mercy 914 respect 928 worship 990
knell 363 strike the death ⁃ 361
knickerbockers 225
knicknack 643
knife 253 play a good ⁃ and fork eat 298 appetite 865
knight 875 ⁃ errant madman 504 defender 717 rash 863 philanthropist 910 ⁃’s move 279 ⁃ service 777
knit 43 well ⁃ 159 ⁃ the brow discontent 832 anger 900 disapprobation 932
knob pendency 214 ball 249 protuberance 250
knock blow 276 sound 406 (punish 972) hard ⁃s 720 ⁃ at the door death 360 request 765 ⁃ down destroy 162 lay flat 213 lower 308 injure 659 dishearten 837 ⁃ on the head kill 361 ⁃ one’s head against 699 ⁃ off complete 729 ⁃ over 162 ⁃ under 725 ⁃ up 688
knock-down argument 479
knocked ⁃ to atoms 162 ⁃ on the head failure 732
knock-kneed 243, 244
knoll 206
knot ligature 45 entanglement 59 group 72 intersection 219 round 249 dense 321 difficulty 704 hindrance 706 junto 712 ornament 847 true lover’s ⁃ love 897 endearment 902 tie the nuptial ⁃ 903
knotted rough 256
knout 975
know believe 484 knowledge 490 friendly 888 associate 892 I’d have you to ⁃ attend 457 assertion 535 not that one ⁃s 491 ⁃ what one is about 698 I ⁃ better 536 ⁃ no bounds great 31 infinite 105 redundance 641 ⁃ for certain 484 ⁃ by heart 505 ⁃ one’s own mind 604 ⁃ nothing of 491 ⁃ what’s what 698 ⁃ which is which 465
knowing 702
knowingly 620
knowledge 490 [and see know] acquire ⁃ 539 come to one’s ⁃ 527 practical ⁃ 698 ⁃ of the world 698
known: become ⁃ 529 make ⁃ inform 527 publish 531 well ⁃ 490 habitual 613 ⁃ as 564 ⁃ by 550
knuckle 244 ⁃ down 725
knuckle-duster 727
knurr and spell 840
kobold 980
Koh-i-noor 650
Koran 986
kotou bow 308 submission 725 courtesy 894 respect 928
kraal 189
kraken 83
kris 727
Krishna 979
κῦδος 931
kyanize 670
kyles 343
labarum 550
labefy 659
label 550
labent 306
labial lip 231 letter 561
labitur et labetur perpetuity 112 continuance 143
labor hoc opus, hic ⁃ 704
laboratory 691
laborious active 682 exertion 686 difficult 704
labour parturition 161 work 680 exertion 686 hard ⁃ punishment 972 mountain in ⁃ 638 ⁃ for 620 ⁃ of love willing 602 amusement 840 disinterested 942 ⁃ under state 7 disease 655 difficulty 704 feeling 821 affliction 828 ⁃ in vain fall short 304 useless 645 ⁃ in one’s vocation 625
laboured - style 579 prepared 673 ⁃ study 457
labourer 690
labouring ⁃ man 690 ⁃ oar 686
labyrinth disorder 59 convolution 248 secret 533 (difficulty 704)
lac number 98 resin 356a ⁃ of rupees 800
lace stitch 43 netting 219 ornament 847 ⁃ one’s jacket 972
lacerable 328
lacerate 44 ⁃ the heart 830
laches neglect 460 non-observance 773
lachrymæ, hinc illæ ⁃ 830
lachrymation 839
lachrymis, quis temperet a ⁃ 914
lachrymose 837
lack require 630 insufficient 640 destitute 804 ⁃ faith 989 ⁃ preparation 674 ⁃ wit 501
lackadaisical inactive 683 melancholy 837 indifferent 866
lackadaisy! lament 839 wonder 870
lack-brain 499, 501
lacker [see lacquer]
lackey 746
lack-lustre 422, 429
laconic 572
covering 223