⁃ of countenance 874 oneself ⁃ of court sophistry 477 bungling 699 ⁃ of gear 158 ⁃ of one’s head 458 ⁃ of joint 61 ⁃ of one’s misery 914 ⁃ to nurse 707 ⁃ of order 59
put to attribute 155 request 765 ⁃ the blush 879 ⁃ death 361 ⁃ the door 261 ⁃ it 704 ⁃ one’s oath 768 ⁃ press 591 ⁃ the proof 463 ⁃ the question 830 ⁃ the rack 830 ⁃ rights 60 ⁃ sea 293 ⁃ shame 874 ⁃ silence 581 ⁃ the sword 361 ⁃ task 677 ⁃ use 677 ⁃ the vote 609
put up assemble 72 locate 184 store 636 ⁃ to auction 796 ⁃ for 865
⁃ a petition | |
⁃ a prayer |
request 765 worship 990 ⁃ for sale 796 ⁃ a shutter 424 ⁃ the sword 723 ⁃ to 615 ⁃ with substitute 147 bear 826
putative attributed 155 believed 484 supposed 514
putid 643
putrefy 653
putrid 653
putty 45
puzzle uncertain 475 conceal 528 enigma 533
puzzled 475, 533 (ignorant 491)
puzzle-headed 499
puzzling unintelligible 519
Pylades and Orestes 890
pyramid heap 72 point 253
pyramids billiards 840
pyre 363
pyriform 249
Pyrology 282
Pyromancy 511
pyrometer 389
pyrotechnics 423
pyrotechny 382
pyrrhonism incredulity 487 irreligion 989
Pythagorean 953
Pythia oracle 513
Python, ⁃ess 513
pyx vessel 191 rites 998 temple 1000
Q.C. 968
Q.E.D. 478
quack cry 412 impostor 548
quackery falsehood 544 want of skill 699 affectation 855
quacksalver 548
quad 189
quadragesima 956
quadrangle house 189 angular 244
quadrant angle 244 circle 247
quadrate with 23
quadratic 95
quadrature four 95 angle 244
quadrible 96
quadrifid 97
quadrilateral sides 236 angles 244
quadrille 840
quadripartition 97
quadrisection 97
quadroon 41
quadruped 366
quadruplication 96
quære 461
quaff 298 ⁃ the bitter cup 828
quaggy 345
quagmire marsh 345 dirty 653 difficult 704
quail fear 860 cowardice 862
quaint odd 83 - style 572 pretty 845 ridiculous 853
quake oscillate 314 shake 315 cold 383 fear 860
quakerish prim 855 calm 826
Quakerism religious sect 984
qualification [see qualify] power 157 modification 469 skill 698 discount 813
qualify change 140 modify 469 deny 536 teach 537 (prepare 673)
qualis ab incepto 141
qualities character 820
quality nature 5 power 157 tendency 176 nobility 875
qualm disbelieve 485 unwilling 603 fear 860
qualms of conscience 950
quamdiu se bene gesserit 108a
quand même compensating 30 opposed 708
quandary 704
quantity 25 much 31 multitude 102
quantum amount 25 allotment 786 ⁃ mutatus 140 ⁃ sufficit 639
quaquaversum 278
quarantine 664
quarrel 713 ⁃ with one’s bread and butter bungling 699 discontent 832
quarrelsome 901
quarry object 620 mine 636
quart 97
quarter fourth 95 quadrisection 97 period 108 region 181 locate 184 abode 189 side 236 direction 278 forbearance 740 mercy 914 give ⁃ 914 give no ⁃ 361 pitiless 914a ⁃ of a hundred 98 ⁃ upon 184
quarter deck 210
quartermaster 637
quartern 95
quarteron 41
quarters abode 189 take up one’s ⁃ 184
quarter sessions 966
quarter-staff contention 720 weapon 727
quartet four 95 music 415
quarto 593
quartz 323
quash destroy 162 annul 756
quasi similar 17 supposed 514
quassia 395
quaternity 95
quatrain 597
quaver oscillate 314 shake 315 sound 407 music 413, 416 fear 860
quay houses 189 harbour 666
quean 962
queasiness dislike 867
queasy fastidious 868