queen 745
Queen’s ⁃ Bench prison 732 court 966 ⁃ counsel 968 ⁃ English 560 ⁃ evidence 529 ⁃ highway 627
queer singular 83 ridiculous 853 ⁃ fish 857
quell destroy 162 moderate 174 quiescence 265 subdue 731
quench destroy 162 cool 385 dissuade 616 gratify 829 satiate 869
quenchless 865
querimonious 839
querist 461
quern 330
querulous complaining 839 fastidious 868 irritable 901
query 461
quest 461
question inquiry 461 doubt 485 deny 536 in ⁃ event 151 topic 454 inquiry 461 danger 665 pop the ⁃ 902 put to the ⁃ 830 ⁃ at issue 461
questionable uncertain 475 doubtful 485 disreputable 874
questionist 541
questionless certain 541
questor 801
queue 65
quib 856
quibble sophistry 477 unmeaning 517 equivocation 520 falsehood 544 wit 842 verbal ⁃ absurdity 497
quick transient 111 rapid 274 alive 359 intelligent 498 active 682 skilful 698 feeling 821 irascible 901 cut to the ⁃ 824 probe to the ⁃ 461 sting to the ⁃ pain 830 anger 900 to the ⁃ physically 375 mentally 822 touch to the ⁃ 822, 824 ⁃ ear 418 ⁃ eye 441 ⁃ succession 136 ⁃ time 274 ⁃ as thought 113
quicken work 170 violence 173 come to life 359 promote 707 excite 824
quickening power 170
quickly soon 132
quicksands danger 667 difficulty 704
quick-scented 398
quickset hedge 232
quicksilver changeable 149 energy 171 velocity 274
quick-witted 842
quid 392 ⁃ pro quo compensation 30 substitution 147 interchange 148 retaliation 718 barter 794 reward 973 ⁃ valeant humeri quid ferre recusant 157
quiddity essence 5 quibble 477 wit 842
quidnunc 455
quiescence 265
quiet calm 174 rest 265 dissuade 616 leisure 685 inexcitability 826 keep ⁃ 681 ⁃ life 721
quieta non movere continuance 143 quiescence 265 inaction 681
quietism quiescence 265 insensibility 823 irreligion 989
quietly modest 881 get on ⁃ 736
quietude 826
quietus death 360 failure 732 acquittal 970 give a ⁃ 361 receive its ⁃ 756
quill 590
quill-driver 590
quillet 477
quills ⁃ upon the fretful porcupine 256
quilt covering 223 variegated 440
quinary 98
quincunx 98
quinquarticular 99
quinquennium 108
quinquesection 99
quinquifid 99
quint 98
quintain aim 620 game 840
quintal 319
quinteron 41
quintessence 5
quintuple 98
quinze 840
quip amusement 840 wit 842 ridicule 856 disrespect 929
qui-pro-quo error 495 wit 842
quire singers 416 paper 593 church 1000
quirk sophistry 477 misjudgment 481 caprice 608 amusement 840 wit 842
quis custodiet istos custodes? 459
quit depart 293 relinquish 624 pay 807 ⁃claim 927a ⁃ one’s hold 782 ⁃ of loss 776 relinquishment 782 ⁃ scores 807
qui-tam 969
quite 52 ⁃ another thing irrelevant 10 unlike 18 ⁃ the reverse 14 ⁃ the thing 23
quits equal 27 atonement 952 be ⁃ with retaliation 718 pay 807
quittance security 771 payment 807 forgiveness 918 atonement 952 reward 973
quiver receptacle 191 oscillation 314 agitation 315 shiver 383 store 636 feeling 821 fear 860 in a ⁃ 821, 824 ⁃ with rage 900
qui-vive 669 on the ⁃ 459
Quixote, Don ⁃ mad 504 rash 863
Quixotic fanciful 515 rash 863
Quixotism excitability 825
quiz ridicule 856 laughing stock 857
quizzical ridiculous 853
quo animo 620
quoad minus 30
quod prison 752 in ⁃ 754
quodlibet inquiry 461 sophism 477 wit 842