quoits 840
quondam 122
quorum 696
quot homines tot sententiæ dissent 489 discord 713
quota contingent 786 expenditure 809 furnish its ⁃ 784
quotation imitation 19 conformity 82 price 812
quote 82 evidence 467
quoth affirmation 535 speech 582
quotidian 138
quotient 84
R’s, three ⁃ 537
rabbet 43
Rabbi 996
Rabbist 984
rabbit productive 168
rabble assemblage 72 mob 876
rabid insane 502 emotion 821 eager 865 angry 900
rabies 503
raccroc 156
race relation 11 sequence 69 kind 75 lineage 156 run 274 stream 348 conduit 350 pungency 392 course 622 business 625 career 692 opposition 708 contention 720 run a ⁃ 720 run in a ⁃ 680 run one’s ⁃ 729 one’s ⁃ is run 360
race-course 728
racehorse horse 271 swift 274
rack receptacle 191 frame 215 cloud 353 physical pain 378 purify 652 moral pain 828 torture 830 punish 972 instrument of torture 975 ⁃ one’s brains thought 451 imagination 515 ⁃rent 810 go to ⁃ and ruin 735
racket agitation 315 loud 404 roll 407 discord 713
racket-court 840
racketing active 682 amusements 840
rackets 840
rackety loud 404
racy strong 171 pungent 392 - style 574 feeling 821
raddle weave 219
raddled tipsy 959
radiance light 420 beauty 845
radiant diverging 291 glorious 873
radiate 291
radical essential 5 complete 52 algebraic root 84 cause 153 important 642 reformer 658 ⁃ change 146 ⁃ cure 662 ⁃ reform 658
radically greatly 31
radication 613
radiometer light 420 optical instrument 445
radius length 200 width 202
radix 153
radoter 499
radoteur 501
raff refuse 653 rabble 876 (miscreant 949)
raft 273
rafter 215
rag small 32 (part 51)
ragamuffin 876
rage violence 173 influence 175 excitement 824, 825 fashion 852 desire 865 wrath 900 the battle ⁃s 722
ragged 226
ragoût 298
rags clothes 225 useless 645 do to ⁃ 384 tear to ⁃ 162 worn to ⁃ 659
raid 716
rail inclosure 232 prison 752 ⁃ at 932 ⁃ in circumscribe 229 restrain 751
railing 232
raillerie, ne pas entendre ⁃ 900
raillery 856
railway 627 ⁃ speed 274
raiment 225
rain stream 348 sufficient 639
rainbow 440
rainless 340
rains but it pours, never ⁃ 641
rainy day 735 provide against a ⁃ prepare 673 economy 817
raise increase 35 produce 161 elevate 307 excite 824 ⁃ alarm 860 ⁃ anger 900 ⁃ one’s banner 722 ⁃ a cry 531 ⁃ a dust 682 ⁃ expectations 858 ⁃ the finger 550 ⁃ funds 775 ⁃ one’s head improve 658 refresh 689 prosperity 734 repute 873 ⁃ hope 511 ⁃ a hue and cry against 932 ⁃ a laugh 840 ⁃ the mask 529 ⁃ money 788 ⁃ a question inquire 461 doubt 485 ⁃ a report 531 ⁃ a siege 723 ⁃ the spirits 836 ⁃ spirits from the dead 992 ⁃ a storm 173 ⁃ troops 722 ⁃ up vertical 212 excite 824 ⁃ the voice shout 441 ⁃ one’s voice affirm 535 ⁃ one’s voice against 932 ⁃ the wind gain 775 borrow 788
raised convex 250
raison: ⁃ d’être 620 ⁃ de plus 467
rajah 745
rajpoot 726
rake drag 285 gardening 371 clean 652 profligate 949 intemperance 954 libertine 962 ⁃ out 301 ⁃ up collect 72 extract 301 recall 505 excite 824 ⁃ up evidence 467
rake-hell 949, 962
raking-fire 716
rakish intemperate 954 licentious 961
rallentando 415
rally arrange 60
improve 658