have ⁃ not 867
ratification confirm 467 affirm 488 consent 762 compact 769
ratio relation 9 degree 26 proportion 84 apportionment 786
ratiocination 476
ration food 298 allotment 786
rational - quantity 84 intellectual 450 judicious 498 sane 502
rationale cause 153 attribution 155 answer 462 interpretation 522
rationalism reasoning 476 irreligion 989
rats in the upper story 503
rattan 975
ratten 158
rattle noise 407 music 417 prattle 584 death ⁃ 360 ⁃ on 584
rattle-snake 913
rattle-traps 780
rattling 836 ⁃ pace 274
raucity faintness 405
raucous hoarse 581
ravage destroy 162 despoil 659
ravages of time 659
rave madness 503 excitement 824, 825 ⁃ against 932
ravel untwist 60 derange 61 entangle 219 difficulty 704
ravelin 717
ravelled 59
raven black 431 hoarse 581 gorge 957 ⁃ for 865
ravening violent 173 desire 865
ravenous grasping 789 desirous 865
raver 504
ravine interval 198 narrow 203 dike 259
raving mad 503 feeling 821 excitement 824, 825
ravish seize 789 please 829
ravished pleased 827
ravishment 824
raw immature 123 sensitive 378 cold 383 colour 428 unprepared 674 unskilled 699 ⁃ head and bloody bones 860 ⁃ levies 726 ⁃ material 635
raw-boned 203
ray 420 ⁃ of comfort 831
rayah 745
rayless 421
raze destroy 162 ⁃ to the ground lower 308
razor 253 cut blocks with a ⁃ waste 638 misuse 679 unskilful 699 keen as a ⁃ 821
razzia destruction 162 attack 716 plunder 791
reabsorb 296
reach degree 26 equal 27 distance 196 fetch 270 arrive at 292 river 348 deceive 545 grasp 737 take 789 within ⁃ near 197 possible 470 ⁃ the ear hearing 418 information 527 ⁃ of thought 498 ⁃ to distance 196 length 200
reaction compensation 30 counteraction 179 recoil 277 restoration 660
reactionary reversion 145 tergiversation 607
reactionist opponent 710
read interpret 522 learn 539 well ⁃ 490 ⁃ a lecture 537
readable 578
reader teacher 540 printer 591 clergyman 996
readership 542
readily 705
reading speciality 79 knowledge 490 interpretation 522 learning 539 ⁃ in 995
reading-desk 1000
readjust agree 23 equalize 27
readmit 296
ready expecting 507 willing 602 useful 644 prepare 673 active 682 skilful 698 cash 800 get ⁃ 673 make ⁃ 673 ⁃ to burst forth 825 ⁃ made 673 ⁃ memory 505 ⁃ money 800 ⁃ pen 569 ⁃ to sink 824 ⁃ wit 842
reaffirm 535
reagent 463
real existing 1 - number 84 true 494 ⁃ estate 780 ⁃ property 780 ⁃ security 771
realism 494
realize speciality 79 intellect 450 think 451 discover 480a believe 484 conceive 490 imagine 515 accomplish 729 acquire 775 sell 796
really wonder 870 (very 31)
realm region 181 people 372 government 737 property 780
realty 780
ream 593
reanimate reproduce 163 life 359 resuscitate 660
reap shorten 201 agriculture 371 take 789 ⁃ the benefit of be better for 658 ⁃ and carry 775 ⁃ the fruits succeed 731 acquire 775 reward 973 ⁃ where one has not sown 923 ⁃ the whirlwind product 154 failure 732
reappear repetition 104 reproduce 163 visible 446 restore 660 (frequent 136)
rear sequel 65 end 67 bring up 161 erect 212 back 235 elevate 307 teach 537 in the ⁃ 281 ⁃ its head manifest 525 ⁃ one’s head pride 878