rear-admiral 745
reason cause 153 intellect 450 argue 476 wisdom 498 motive 615 by ⁃ of 615 feast of ⁃ 588 in ⁃ moderate 174 right 922 listen to ⁃ 498 stand to ⁃ certain 474 proof 478 manifest 525 what’s the ⁃ ? 461 without rhyme or ⁃ 615a ⁃ in a circle 477 ⁃ why cause 153 motive 615
reasonable moderate 174 probable 472 judicious 498 sane 502 cheap 815 right 922 ⁃ prospect 472
reasoner 476
reasoning 476
reasonless 499
reasons 476
reassemble 72
reassert 535
reassure hope 858 courage 861
reasty fetid 401 unclean 653
reave 789
rebate moderate 174 discount 813
rebeck 417
rebel disobedience 742 (resistance 719)
rebellow 412
reboation 412
rebound recoil 277 regression 283 (counteraction 179)
rebours, à ⁃ reversion 145 regression 283 difficult 704
rebuff recoil 277 resist 719 repulse 732 refuse 764 discourtesy 895 censure 932
rebuild 660
rebuke 932
rebus 533
rebut answer 462 counter evidence 468 confute 479 deny 536
rebutter answer 462 law pleadings 969
recalcitrant 742
recalcitrate recoil 277 resist 719
recall recollect 505 recant 607 cancel 756 ⁃ to life 660
recant deny 536 retract 607 resign 756
recapitulate enumerate 85 repeat 104 describe 594 summarize 596
recast revolution 146 scheme 626
recede move back 283 move from 287 ⁃ into the shade 874
receipt scheme 626 prescription 662 precept 697 security 771 payment 807 - of money 810 ⁃ in full 807
receive include 76 admit 296 belief 484 assent 488 acquire 775 take in 785 take 789 - money 810 welcome 892, 894 ⁃ Christ 987
received known 490 habitual 613 (conformable 82) ⁃ maxim 496
receiver vessel 191 treasurer 801 ⁃ of stolen goods 792
receiving 785
recension 85
recent lately 122 new 123
receptacle 191 (storehouse 636)
reception comprehension 54 inclusion 76 arrival 292 ingestion 296 interview 588 receiving 785 welcome 892, 894 warm ⁃ 892
reception-room 191
recess receptacle 191 corner 244 regression 283 ambush 530 vacation 687 retirement 893
recesses interior 221 secret ⁃ of one’s heart 820
recession motion from 287
réchauffé copy 21 repetition 104 food 298 made hot 384 restored 660
recherché good 648 fashionable 852
recidivation regression 283 relapse 661
recipe remedy 662 precept 697
recipient receptacle 191 receiving 785
reciprocal mutual 12 - quantity 84
reciprocate correlation 12 interchange 148 assent 488 concord 714 retaliate 718
recision 38
recitativo 415
recite enumerate 85 speak 582 narrate 594
reck 459
reckless careless 460 rash 863
reckon count 85 ⁃ among 76 ⁃ upon believe 484 expect 507 ⁃ with 807 ⁃ without one’s host unskilful 699 fail 732 rash 863
reckoning numeration 85 measure 466 expectation 507 payment 807 accounts 811 reward 973 day of ⁃ 919
reclaim restore 660 command 741 due 924 atonement 952
reclaimed penitent 950
recline lie flat 213 depress 308 repose 687 ⁃ on 215
recluse 893
recognition [see recognize] courtesy 894 thanks 916 means of ⁃ 550
recognizable visible 446 intelligible 518 ⁃ by 550
recognizance 771
recognize see 441 attention 457 discover 480a assent 488 know 490 remember 505 permit 760 (affirm 535)
recognized influential 175
customary 613