(conformable 82) ⁃ maxim 496
recoil reaction 179 repercussion 277 reluctance 603 shun 623 from which reason ⁃s 471 ⁃ at hate 898 ⁃ from dislike 867
recollect 505
recommence 66
recommend advise 695 approve 931 (induce 15) ⁃ itself approbation 931
recompense reward 973 (pay 809)
reconcile agree 23 pacify 723 content 831 forgive 918 ⁃ oneself to 826
recondite obscure 519 hidden 528
reconnaissance 441
reconnoitre see 441 inquire 461
reconsideration 451 on ⁃ 658
reconstitute 660
reconstruct 660
reconvert 660
record 551 court of ⁃ 966
recorder 553 judge 967
recount 594
recoup 790
recourse 677
recovery improvement 658 reinstatement 660 getting back 775 restitution 790 ⁃ of strength 689
recreant coward 862 base 940 knave 941 vicious 945 bad man 949
recreation 840
recrement 653
recriminate 932
recrimination 938
recrudescence 661
recruit strength 159 learner 541 provision 637 health 654 repair 658 reinstate 660 refresh 689 aid 707 auxiliary 711 soldier 726 beat up for ⁃s prepare 673 aid 707
rectangle 244
rectangular perpendicular 212 angle 244
rectify straighten 246 improve 658 re-establish 660
rectilinear 246
rectitude probity 939 virtue 944
rector director 694 clergyman 996
rectorship 995
rectory 1000
rectus in curiâ 946
reculer pour mieux sauter prepare 673 cunning 702
reculons, à ⁃ 283
recumbent horizontal 213 oblique 217
recuperation 790
recuperative 660
recur repeat 104 frequent 136 periodic 138 ⁃ to the mind 505 ⁃ to 677
recure 660
recursion 292
recurvity 245
recusant dissenting 489 denying 536 disobedient 742 refusing 764 impenitent 951 heterodox 984 (unwilling 603)
red 434 turn ⁃ feeling 821 ⁃ book list 86 ⁃ coat 726 ⁃ cross 662 ⁃ flag 668 ⁃hot great 31 violent 173 hot 382 emotion 821 excited 824 ⁃ letter mark 550 celebrate 883 ⁃letter day important 642 rest 687 amusement 840 celebration 883 ⁃ light 668 ⁃ republican 742 ⁃ tape 613 ⁃ tapist 694 ⁃ and yellow 439
redan 717
redargue 479
redden colour 434 humble 879 angry 900
reddition interpretation 522 restitution 790
redeem compensate 30 substitute 147 reinstate 660 deliver 672 regain 775 restore 790 pay 807 atone 952 ⁃ from oblivion 505 ⁃ one’s pledge observe 772 duty 926
Redeemer 976
redemption [see redeem] liberation 750 duty 926 salvation 976 (preservation 676)
red-handed murder 361 in the act 680 guilty 947
redict 905
redintegrate 660
redintegratio amoris 607
redivivus 660
redness 434
redolence odour 398 fragrance 400
redouble increase 35 duplication 90 repeat 104 ⁃ one’s efforts 686
redoubt 717
redoubtable 860
redound to conduce 176 ⁃ one’s honour glory 873 approbation 931 honour 939
redress restore 660 remedy 662 reward 973
red-tapist 694
reduce lessen 36 - in number 103 weaken 160 contract 195 shorten 201 lower 308 subdue 731 discount 813 ⁃ to ashes 384 ⁃ to demonstration 478 ⁃ to a mean 29 ⁃ to order 60 ⁃ to poverty 804 ⁃ to powder 330 ⁃ the speed 275 ⁃ in strength 160 ⁃ to subjection 749 ⁃ to convert 144 ⁃ to writing 551
reduced [see reduce] impoverished 804 ⁃ to the last extremity 665 ⁃ to a skeleton 659 ⁃ to straits 704
reductio ad absurdum reasoning 476 confutation 479
reduction [see reduce] arithmetical 85 conversion 144 at a ⁃ 815 ⁃ of temperature 385