frequent 136
iteration 104
repeater watch 114 fire-arm 727
repel repulse 289 deter 616 defend 717 resist 719 refuse 764 give pain 830 disincline 867 banish 893 excite hate 898
repent 950
repercussion recoil 277 (counteraction 179)
répertoire 599
repertory 636
repetend arithmetical 84 iteration 104
repetition imitation 19 iteration 104 (copy 21) (twice 90)
repine pain 828 discontent 832 regret 833 sad 837 (repent 950)
replace substitute 147 locate 184 restore 660
replenish complete 52 fill 637
repletion filling 639 redundance 641 satiety 869
replevin recovery 775 borrow 788 restore 790
replication answer 462 law pleadings 969
reply answer 462 vindicate 937
répondre en Norman 544
report noise 406 judgment 480 inform 527 publish 531 rumour 532 record 551 statement 594 good ⁃ 873 through evil report and good ⁃ 604a ⁃ progress 527
reporter informant 527 messenger 534 journalist 593
reports law 969
repose quiescence 265 leisure 685 rest 687 ⁃ confidence in 484 ⁃ on support 215 evidence 467 ⁃ on one’s laurels 142
reposit 184
repository 636
repostum, manet altâ mente ⁃ 919
repoussé 250
reprehend 932
reprehensible vicious 945 guilty 947
represent similar 17 imitate 19 exhibit 525 intimate 527 denote 550 delineate 554 commission 755 deputy 759 (describe 594) ⁃ to oneself 515
representation [see represent] copy 21 portrait 554 drama 599
representative commissioner 758 deputy 759 ⁃ of the people 696 ⁃ of the press messenger 534 writer 593
repress restrain 751 (moderate 174) (counteract 179) ⁃ one’s feelings 826 ⁃ a smile 837
reprieve deliverance 672 pardon 918 respite 970
reprimand 932
reprint copy 21 reproduce 163
reprisal retaliation 718 resumption 789
reproach disgrace 874 blame 932 accusation 938
reprobate disapproved 932 vicious 945 bad man 949 sinner 988
reprobation censure 932 sin 988
reproduce imitate 19 repeat 104 renovate 163
reproduction [see reproduce] 163 copy 21
reproductive 163
reproof 932
reprover 936
reptile animal 366 servile 886 knave 941 miscreant 949
republic people 372 government 737 ⁃ of letters 560
republican government 737 commonalty 876
republicanism 737
repudiate exclude 55 deny 489 reject 610 abrogate 756 violate 773 not pay 808 evade 927
repugn 719
repugnance incongruity 24 dislike 867 hate 898 (unwillingness 603)
repulse recoil 277 repel 289 resist 719 failure 732 refusal 764
repulsion 289
repulsive [see repulse] unsavoury 395 painful 830 ugly 846 disliked 867 discourteous 895 hateful 898
repurchase 795
reputable honoured 873 honourable 939
reputation 873
repute 873
request 765 in ⁃ 630 ⁃ permission 760
requiem lament 839 (funeral 363) (music 415)
requies, nec mora nec ⁃ 682
requiescat in pace 723
require need 630 insufficient 640 exact 741 compel 744 price 812 due 924 duty 926 ⁃ explanation 519
requirement 630
requisite 630
requisition exaction 741 request 765 put in ⁃ use 677 order 741
requital gratitude 916 punishment 972 reward 973
res ipsa loquitur 525
rescind cut off 44 abrogate 756 refuse 764
rescission 44, 756
rescript answer 462 transcript 590 letter 592 order 741