Page:Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (1894).djvu/628

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rescriptive prohibition 761

rescue preserve 670 deliver 672 aid 707

research 461

reseat 660

resection 44

resemblance 17

resent 900

resentful 901

resentment 900

reservation concealment 528 mental ⁃ 528 equivocation 520 untruth 546 with a ⁃ 38

reservatory receptacle 191 store 636

reserve concealment 528 silence 585 store 636 disuse 678 retain 781 shyness 881 in ⁃ destined 152 prepared 673 ⁃ forces 726 ⁃ oneself 881

reservoir 636

resiance 189

resiant 186

reside 186

residence abode 189

resident consignee 758 present 186 inhabitant 188

residentiary 186, 188 clergy 996

residue 40

residuum remainder 40 dregs 653 commonalty 876

resign give up 757 relinquish 782 ⁃ one’s being ⁃ one’s breath 360 ⁃ oneself submit 725 not mind 826

resignation [see resign] submission 725 obedience 743 abdication 757 renunciation 782 endurance 826 humility 879

resilience regression 283 elasticity 325

resin 356a

resipiscence 950

resist oppose 179 withstand 719 disobey 742 refuse 764

resistance 719

résistance, pièce de ⁃ 298

resisting tenacious 327

resistless strong 159 necessity 601

resolute determined 604 brave 861

resolution decomposition 49 conversion 144 music 413 topic 454 investigation 461 mental energy 604 intention 620 scheme 626 courage 861

resolvable into equal 27 convertible 144

resolve liquefy 335 investigate 461 discover 480a interpret 522 determine 604 predetermine 611 intend 620 ⁃ into elements 49 ⁃ into convert 144

resonance sound 402 ringing 408

resorb 296

resort assemble 72 focus 74 dwelling 189 converge 290 last ⁃ 601 ⁃ to be present 186 travel 266 employ 677

resound loud 404 ring 408 ⁃ praises 931

resources means 632 property 780 wealth 803

respect relation 9 observe 772 fame 873 salutation 894 deference 928 in no ⁃ 536 with ⁃ to 9

respectability mediocrity 736 repute 873 probity 939

respectable unimportant 643

respectful 928 ⁃ distance avoid 623 cautious 864

respective special 79 apportioned 786

respectless 458

respects courtesy 894 deference 928

resperse 73

respicere finem 510

respire breathe 349 live 359 refresh 689

respite intermission 106 defer 133 pause 142 deliver 672 repose 687 reprieve 970 (escape 671)

resplendent luminous 420 splendid 845

respond accord 23 answer 462 feel 821

respondent 462 accused 938

response answer 462, 587 concord 714 feeling 821 friendship 888 worship 990

responsible 926

rest remainder 40 pause 141 cessation 142 support 215 quiescence 265 death 360 music 413 inaction 681 repose 687 at ⁃ repose 687 content 831 set at ⁃ answer 462 ascertain 474 complete 729 compact 769 set one’s mind at ⁃ calm 826 set the question at ⁃ prove 478 adjudge 480 ⁃ assured belief 484 hope 858 ⁃ on support 215 ⁃ on one’s oars 142, 687 ⁃ satisfied 831 ⁃ and be thankful inaction 681 repose 687 ⁃ upon evidence 467 confide 484 ⁃ with duty 926

restaurant hotel 189 (eating 298)

restaurateur provider 637

restful 265

restiff [see restive]

resting place support 215 quiet 265 arrival 292

restitution 790 restoration 660

restive averse 603 obstinate 606 disobedient 742 refusal 764 perverse 901a

restless changeable 149 moving 264 agitated 315 active 682

excited 825