train of thought 451
inattention 458
imagination 515
reversal inversion 218 revolution 607
reversible irresolute 605
reverse contrary 14 inversion 218 - of a medal 235 anteposition 237 adversity 735 abrogate 756 cards 840 ⁃ of the shield 468
reverseless 150
reversion [see reverse] posteriority 117 return 145 possession 777 property 780 succession 783 remitter 790
reversioner 779
revert repeat 104 return 145 turn back 283 revest 790 ⁃ to 457
revest 790
reviction 660
review consider 457 inquiry 461 judge 480 recall 505 dissertation 595 compendium 596 revise 658 parade 882
reviewer 480
revile abuse 932 blaspheme 988
reviler 936
revise copy 21 consider 457 printing 591 plan 626 improve 658
revision, under ⁃ 673
revising barrister 967
revisit 186
revival reproduction 163 restoration 660 worship 990
revivalist 996
revive reproduce 163 resuscitate 660 excite 824
revivify reproduce 163 life 359 resuscitate 660
revocable 605
revoir, au ⁃ 293
revoke recant 607 cancel 756 (deny 536) (refuse 764)
revolt resist 719 disobey 742 shock 830 disapproval 932 ⁃ against hate 898 ⁃ at the idea dissent 489
revolting painful 830
revolution periodicity 138 change 146 rotation 312
revolutionize 146
revolve [see revolution] ⁃ in the mind 451
revolver weapon 727
revulsion reversion 145 revolution 146 inversion 218 recoil 277
reward 973
reword 104
Reynard animal 366 cunning 702
rez de chaussée room 191 low 207
Rhabdology 85
Rhabdomancy 511
Rhadamanthus judge 967 hell 982
rhapsodical irregular 139
rhapsodist fanatic 504
rhapsody discontinuity 70 nonsense 497 fancy 515
rhetoric speech 582 flowers of ⁃ 577
rheum excretion 299 fluidity 333 water 337
rhino 800
rhinoceros hide physically insensible 376 morally insensible 823
rhomb 244
rhumb 278
rhyme similarity 17 verse 597 without ⁃ or reason absurd 497 caprice 608 motiveless 615a
rhymeless prose 598
rhymester 597
rhythm periodicity 138 melody 413 verse 597
rhythmical - style 578
rib support 215 ridge 250 wife 903
ribald vulgar 851 disreputable 874 impure 961
riband [see ribbon]
ribbed furrowed 259
ribbon tie 45 filament 205 decoration 877
ribroast 972
rich savoury 394 colour 428 language 577 abundant 639 wealthy 803 beautiful 845 ornament 847 ⁃ man 803
riches 803
richesses, embarras de ⁃ redundance 641 wealth 803
richly much 31 ⁃ deserve 924
rick accumulation 72 store 636
rickety weak 160 ugly 846 imperfect 651
ricochet 277
ricordo, non mi ⁃ 506
rid deliver 672 get ⁃ of eject 297 liberation 750 loose 776 relinquish 782
riddance 672, 776, 782
riddle arrange 60 sieve 260 secret 533 clean 652 (question 461)
ride get above 206 move 266 ⁃ at anchor 265 ⁃ full tilt at pursue 622 attack 716 ⁃ hard 274 ⁃ one’s hobby 622 ⁃ rough shod violence 173 severity 739 insolence 885 illegality 964 ⁃ out the storm 664 ⁃ and tie periodicity 138 journey 266 ⁃ the whirlwind 604
rideau, lever de ⁃ 599
ridentem dicere verum cheerful 836 wit 842
rider appendix 39 equestrian 268
rideret Heraclitus 853
ridge narrow 203 height 206 prominence 250
ridicule 856 disrespect 929
absurd 497