foolish 499 trifling 643 grotesque 853
ridiculousness 853
riding district 181 journey 266
ridotto gala 840 rout 892
rifacimento repetition 104 resuscitation 660
rife general 78 influence 175
riff-raff dirt 653 commonalty 876 bad folk 949
rifle musket 727 plunder 791
rifled cannon 727
rifleman 726
rifler 792
rifles 726
rifle-shooting 840
rift separation 44 fissure 198
rig dress 225 prepare 673 frolic 840 strumpet 962 ⁃ the market 794 run the ⁃ upon 929
rigadoon 840
rigging ropes 45 gear 225 instrument 633
riggish 961
right dextral 238 straight 246 true 494 property 780 just 922 privilege 924 duty 926 honour 939 virtuous 944 bill of ⁃ 969 by ⁃ 924 have a ⁃ to 924 set ⁃ inform 527 disclose 529 that’s ⁃ 931 ⁃ about [see below] ⁃ ahead 234 ⁃ angle 212 ⁃ ascension 466 ⁃ away 143 step in the ⁃ direction 644 ⁃ hand [see below] ⁃ itself 660 ⁃ and left space 180 circumjacence 227 lateral 236 ⁃ line 246 ⁃ man in the right place 23 in one’s ⁃ mind wise 498 sane 502 hit the ⁃ nail on the head discover 480a skill 698 ⁃ owner 779 keep the ⁃ path 944 in the ⁃ place 646 ⁃ thing to do 926 ⁃ as a trevet 650 ⁃ word in the right place 578
right about: to the ⁃ 283 go to the ⁃ circuit 311 tergiversation 607 send to the ⁃ eject 297 reject 610 refuse 764 turn to the ⁃ inversion 218 deviation 279
right hand power 157 dextrality 238 help 711 not let the ⁃ know what the left is doing 528 ⁃ of friendship 888
righteous virtuous 944 the ⁃ 987 ⁃ overmuch 988
Righteousness: Lord our ⁃ 976 Sun of ⁃ 976
rightful 922 ⁃ owner 779
rightly served, be ⁃ 972
right-minded probity 939 virtue 944
rights: put to ⁃ restore 660 set to ⁃ arrange 60 stand on one’s ⁃ 748
rigid regular 82 hard 328 exact 494 severe 739 (stubborn 606)
rigmarole unmeaning 517 (absurd 497)
rigor 383 ⁃ mortis 360
rigorous exact 494 severe 739 revengeful 919
rigour 494, 739 (compulsion 744)
Rigsdag 696
rile annoy 830 hate 898 anger 900
rilievo convex 250 sculpture 557
rill 348
rim 231
rime chink 198 frost 283
rimer 262
rimple 258
rind 223
ring pendency 214 circle 247 loud 404 resonance 408 clique 712 arena 728 rub the ⁃ 992 ⁃ the changes repeat 104 change 140 changeable 149 ⁃ in the ear 408 in a ⁃ fence circumscription 229 inclosure 232 ⁃ with the praises of 931 ⁃ the tocsin 669
ringleader director 694 mutineer 742
ringlet circling 247 hair 256
rink 840
rinse 652
rinsings 653
riot confusion 59 derangement 61 violence 173 discord 713 resist 719 mutiny 742 run ⁃ activity 682 excitement 825 intemperance 954 ⁃ in pleasure 742
rioter 742
riotous 173
rip bad man 949 libertine 962 ⁃ open 260 ⁃ up tear 44 recall the past 505 excite 824
riparian 342
ripe 673 ⁃ age old 128 grown up 131
ripen perfect 650 improve 658 prepare 673 complete 729 ⁃ into 144
riposte 462
ripple ruffle 256 shake 315 water 348 murmur 405
rire, pour ⁃ 853
rise grow 35 begin 66 slope 217 progress 282 ascend 305 stir 682 revolt 742 ⁃ again 660 ⁃ in arms 722 ⁃ from 154 ⁃ in price 814 ⁃ up elevation 307 ⁃ in the world 734
risible laughable 838 ridiculous 853 (wit 842)
rising [see rise] ⁃ of the curtain beginning 66 appearance 448 ⁃ generation youth 127 posterity 167
⁃ ground