discomfit 732 rabble 876 assembly 892 put to the ⁃ 731 ⁃ out 652
route 627 en ⁃ 270 en ⁃ for 282
routine uniform 16 order 58 rule 80 periodic 138 custom 613 business 625
rove travel 266 deviate 279
rover traveller 268 pirate 792
row disorder 59 series 69 violence 173 street 189 navigate 267 discord 713 ⁃ in the same boat 88
rowdy vulgar 851 blusterer 887 bad man 949
rowel sharp 253 stimulus 615
rower 269
Rowland for an Oliver retaliation 718 barter 794
rowlock 215
royal 737 ⁃ road way 627 easy 705
Royal Academician 559
royalist 737
royalty 737
royne 298
ruade impulse 276 attack 716
ruat cœlum 908
rub friction 331 difficulty 704 adversity 735 painful 830 ⁃ off corners 82 ⁃ down lessen 195 powder 330 ⁃ down with an oaken towel 972 ⁃ one’s eyes 870 ⁃ one’s hands 838 ⁃ up the memory 505 ⁃ off 552 ⁃ on slow 275 progress 282 inexcitable 826 ⁃ out 552 ⁃ up 658
rubadub 407
rubber whist 840
rubbish unmeaning 517 trifling 643 useless 645
rubble 645
rubescence 434
Rubicon limit 233 pass the ⁃ begin 66 cross 303 choose 609
rubicund 434
rubify 434
rubigo 653
rubric precept 697 liturgy 998
rubricate redden 434
ruby red 434 gem 648 ornament 847
ruck 258
ructation 297
rudder 693
rudderless 158
ruddle 434
ruddy red 434 beautiful 845
rude violent 173 shapeless 241 ignorant 491 inelegant 579 ugly 846 vulgar 851 uncivilized 876 uncivil 895 disrespect 929 ⁃ health 654
rudiment beginning 66 cause 153
rudimental small 193 immature 674
rudiments knowledge 490 school 542
rudis indigestaque moles disorder 59 amorphous 241
rue bitter 395 regret 833 repent 950
rueful painful 830 sad 837
ruff 225
ruffian maleficent 913 scoundrel 949
ruffianism 907
ruffle disorder 59 derange 61 roughen 256 fold 258 feeling 821 excite 824, 825 pain 830 anger 900
rufous 434
rug support 215 covering 223
rugged shapeless 241 rough 256 difficult 704 ugly 846 churlish 895
rugose 256
ruin destruction 162 evil 619 failure 732 adversity 735 poverty 804 (decay 659)
ruined hopeless 859
ruinous painful 830
ruins remains 40
rule regularity 80 length 200 measure 466 decide 480 custom 613 precept 697 government 737 law 963 absence of ⁃ 699 as a ⁃ 613 by ⁃ 82 golden ⁃ 697 obey ⁃s 82 ⁃ of three 85 ⁃ of thumb experiment 463 unreasoning 477 essay 675 unskilled 699
ruler 745
ruling passion obstinacy 606 character 820
rum queer 853
rumble 407
ruminate chew 298 think 451
rummage 461
rummer 191
rumour publicity 731 report 732
rump 235
rumple disorder 59 derange 61 roughen 256 fold 258
rumpus confusion 59 violence 173 discord 713 (contention 720)
run generality 78 repetition 104 course 109 continuance 143 eventuality 151 motion 264 speed 274 liquefy 335 flow 348 habit 613 smuggle 791 contraband 964 have a ⁃ fashion 852 repute 873 have ⁃ of 748 near ⁃ 197 race is ⁃ 729 time ⁃s 106 ⁃ abreast 27 ⁃ after pursue 622 in repute 873 ⁃ against impact 276 oppose 708 attack 716 ⁃ at 716 ⁃ away avoid 623 (escape 671) ⁃ away with take 789 steal 791 ⁃ away with a notion misjudge 481 credulous 486 ⁃ back 283 ⁃ a chance
probable 472