abide 186 base 211 etymon 562 lie at the ⁃ of 642 pluck up by the ⁃s 301 strike at the ⁃ of 716 take ⁃ influence 175 locate 184 habit 613 ⁃ and branch 52 cut up ⁃ and branch 162 ⁃ out eject 297 extract 301 discover 480a
rooted old 124 firm 150 located 184 habit 613 (permanent 141) deep⁃ 820 ⁃ antipathy 867 ⁃ belief 484
rope fastening 45 cord 205 freedom 748 scourge 975 give ⁃ enough 738 ⁃’s end 975 ⁃ of sand incoherence 47 weakness 160 impossible 471
rope-dancer 700
rope-dancing 698
ropy 352
roquelaure 225
rorid 339
rosâ, sub ⁃ 528
rosary 998
Roscius 599
rose pipe 350 fragrant 400 red 434 beauty 845 bed of ⁃s pleasure 377 prosperity 734 couleur de ⁃ red 434 good 648 prosperity 734 hope 858 under the ⁃ 528 welcome as the ⁃s in May pleasing 829 sociality 892
roseate red 434 hopeful 858
rose-coloured hope 858
rosette 847
rose-water moderation 174 flattery 933 not made with ⁃ 704
Rosicrucian deceiver 548 sect 984 sorcerer 994
rosin rub 331 resin 356a
Rosinante 271
roster 86
rostrum beak 234 pulpit 542
rosy 434 ⁃ wine 959
rosy-cheeked 845
rot putrefy 653 disease 655 decay 659
rota 138
rotation periodicity 138 motion round 312
rote, by ⁃ 505 know ⁃ 490 learn ⁃ 539
rotten weak 160 bad 649 foul 653 decayed 659 (fetid 401) ⁃ at the core deceptive 545 diseased 655
rotulorum, custos ⁃ 553
rotund 249
rotunda 189
rotundity 249
roturier 876
roué 949
rouge 434
rouge-et-noir 621
rough violent 173 shapeless 241 uneven 256 pungent 392 unsavoury 395 sour 397 sound 410 unprepared 674 fighter 726 ugly 846 low fellow 876 bully 887 churlish 895 evil doer 913 bad man 949 ⁃ copy writing 590 unprepared 674 ⁃ diamond artless 703 vulgar 851 commonalty 876 good man 948 ⁃ draft 626 ⁃ guess 514 ⁃ it 686 ⁃ sea 348 ⁃ side of the tongue censure 932 ⁃ and tumble 59 ⁃ weather violent 173 wind 349
rough-cast shape 240 scheme 626 unpolished 674
rough-hew form 240 prepare 673
roughly nearly 197
roughness 256
rough-rider 268
roughshod over, ride ⁃ 739
roulade 415
rouleau assemblage 72 cylinder 249 money 800
roulette 621
round series 69 revolution 138 - of a ladder 215 curve 245 circle 247 rotund 249 music 415 fight 720 all ⁃ circumjacent 227 bring ⁃ restore 660 come ⁃ periodic 138 recant 607 persuade 615 dizzy ⁃ 312 get ⁃ 660 go ⁃ 311 go one’s ⁃s 266 go the ⁃ publication 531 make the ⁃ of 311 run the ⁃ of active 682 go the same ⁃ 104 turn ⁃ invert 218 retreat 283 revolve 311 ⁃ assertion 535 ⁃ a corner 311 ⁃ game 840 ⁃ like a horse in a mill 613 ⁃ of the ladder 71 ⁃ number number 84 multitude 102 in ⁃ numbers mean 29 nearly 197 ⁃ of pleasures pleasure 377 amusement 840 ⁃ robin information 527 petition 765 censure 932 ⁃ and round periodic 138 rotation 312 ⁃ sum 800 ⁃ terms 566 ⁃ trot 274 ⁃ of visits 892
round about circumjacent 227 deviation 279 circuit 311 amusement 840 ⁃ phrases 573 ⁃ way 629
rounded periods 577, 578
roundelay 597
round-house 752
roundlet 247
round-shouldered 243
roup 796
rouse stimulate 615 excite 824 ⁃ oneself 682
rousing 171
rout agitation 315
overcome 731