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Newcastle-on-Tyne; 2nd, Alice Harbottle, only dau. of late Robt. Fogan, of Newcastle-on-Tyne; Private Sec. to late Chas. S. Parnell, M.P., 1880-91; M.P. (N.), S. Fermanagh, 1885 and 1886-92; town clerk of Dublin, 1893-1921. Res.: Greenwood Park, Newry, Co. Down.

CAMPBELL, John (M.P. for Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Parliament, Ireland, 1921), M.D., M.Ch., M.A.O. (R.U.I.). Res.: Crescent House, Upper Crescent, Belfast.

CAMPBELL, Rev. Joseph William Robert, M.A. Educ.: private schools; Queen's College, Belfast (Senior Scholar, Natural History); Methodist College, Belfast. Entered Methodist ministry, 1876; served in Tinahely, Dublin, Athlone, Limerick, Cork, Tralee, Blackrock, Sandymount; Assistant Secretary of Conference, 1888; Secretary, Methodist Orphan Society, 1889; General Secretary, Home Missions, 1899; Delegate, Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 1901; Vice-President of Conference in Ireland, 1909; Representative to Methodist Assembly, 1909; Vice-President, Hibernian Band of Hope Union, and sometime Hon. Secretary, Hibernian Bible Society and Evangelical Alliance (Irish Branch). Late Principal, Theological Hall, Methodist College, Belfast, and Dean of Residences, Queen's Univ. of Belfast; a Commissioner of Education in Ireland; b. Clough, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh, 1853; son of Rev. Alexander Campbell; m. Elizabeth Prudence, dau. of Rev. William Lough; three sons, four daus. Pubns.: contributions to periodical literature in History and Theology. Recns.: cycling, golf. Res.: 91 Stephen's Green, Dublin.

CAMPBELL, Lloyd (M.P. for North Belfast, Northern Parliament, Ireland, from 1921), Member of firm of Henry Campbell & Co., Ltd., flax spinners, of Belfast. Res.: Fairbourne, Fitzwilliam Park, Belfast.

CAMPBELL, Robert Garrett, C.B.E. Civ. (1919). Educ. at Wellington College; a flax spinner, and Chairman of Irish Sub-Committee of Flax Control Board; son of John Campbell, of Mossley, Belfast; b. 1858: m. 1893, Alice, dau. of Henry Ferguson, M.D., of Belfast. Res.: Coolgreany, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast.

CAMPBELL, Thomas Joseph, K.C. Educ.: Christian Brothers' Schools, and St. Malachy's College, Belfast, M.A. (Honours), 1897, of the Royal University of Ireland, now of the National University of Ireland. Sub-Editor, "Irish News," Belfast, 1892; Editor, do., 1895-1906; second prize in Jurisprudence and second prize in Law of Property, Queen's College, Belfast, 1898; second Victoria Prize, King's Inns, Dublin, 1899; second Victoria Prize, do., 1900; Exhibition, do., 1900. Gold Medal for Oratory; Gold Medal for Legal Essay; Silver Medal for Legal Debate, do., 1900-01. Called to Irish Bar, Nov., 1900; to English Bar, April, 1904; Revising Barrister, 1910-14; King's Counsel, Feb., 1918; Local Government Election Commissioner, 1921; Nationalist Candidate for South Monaghan (polled 4,413 votes), Dec, 1913; Nationalist Candidate for East Belfast in the election of 1921, in Northern Ireland. First Treasurer of the Bar of Northern Ireland and first Secretary of the Circuit of Northern Ireland; b. in Belfast; m., and has two sons and one dau. Nominated in 1922 by the Provisional Government as one of six representatives of the Catholics of Belfast to act with six representatives nominated by the Government of Northern Ireland as a Conciliation Committee in Belfast. Pubns.: Workmen's Compensation and Irish Land Purchase. Res.: 27 Old Cave Hill Road, Belfast.

CANNING, Hon. Alexander Leopold Ivor George, only son of 4th Baron Garvagh; b. 6th Oct., 1920.

CANTRELL, Robert, I.S.O. (1902); Chief Clerk, Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, 1900-14 (retired); b. 1849; m. 1875, Lavinia Eleanor, dau. of late George Porte, F.G.S., M.R.I.A. Res.: 62 Lansdowne Road. Pembroke, Co. Dublin.

CARBERY, Baron (Irld., 1715), and a Baronet, 1768, John Evans-Freke, 10th Baron; Lieut., R.N.A.S.; served in European War, 1914; elder son of Algernon, 9th Baron, and Mary (Baroness Carbery), dau. of Henry J. Toulmin; her Ladyship m. 2nd, 1902, Arthur W. Sandford, Frankfield House, Cork; b. 20th May, 1892; s. his father, 12th June, 1898; m. 7th July, 1913, Jose (who died 1919), dau. of Evelyn Metcalfe, of London. Res.: Castle Freke, Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

CARDEN, Capt. Andrew Murray, D.L., J.P., Co. Tipperary (High Sheriff, 1888); late R.A.: eldest surviving son of late Andrew Garden, D.L., J.P., of Barnane, Co. Tipperary; b. 1853. Res.: Barnane, Templemore, Co. Tipperary. Kildare Street Club, Dublin; Naval and Military, and Arthur's Clubs, London.

CARDEN, Sir John Craven, Bart (Irld., 1787), J.P., Co. Tipperary (High Sheriff, 1882); formerly Lieut., Queen's County Militia; eldest son of Sir John Craven, 4th Bart., and Julia Isabella, only dau. of Admiral Charles Robinson; b. 30th Jan., 1854; s. his father, 22nd March, 1879: m. 10th Feb., 1891, Sybil, dau. of the late General Valentine Baker, and has issue a son and a dau. Res.: Templemore Abbey, Templemore, Co. Tipperary.