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CAREW, Hon. George Patrick John, second son of 2nd Baron Carew, and brother and heir-presumptive to present peer; b. 1st Feb., 1863; m. 1888, Maud Beatrice, dau. of late John Ramsay. Res.; 6 Grassington Road, Eastbourne.

CAREW, Baron (Irld., 1834): Baron Carew (Unit. Kgd., 1838), Robert Shapland George Julian Carew, 3rd Baron., B.A. (Cantab.); D.L., Co. Wexford: eldest son of Robert Shapland. 2nd Baron. K.P., and Emily Anne (d. 1899), dau. of Sir George Richard Phillips, 2nd Bart, (extinct); b. 15th June, 1860; s. his father, 8th Sept., 1831; m. 27th June, 1888, Julia, dau. of the late Albert Lethbridge, and granddau. of Sir John Lethbridge, 3rd Bart. Res.: 28 Belgrave Square, S.W.; Castle Boro', Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Clubs: Brooks's; Bachelors', London.

CARLISLE, The Right Hon. Alexander Montgomery, P.C. (Irld.), 1907. Entered Messrs. Harland and Wolff's Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 1870, and was Gen. Manager and Chm. of the Managing Directors: ret. 1910; a Director of The National Bank. Ltd.; contested W. Belfast, 1906, as a Liberal Unionist Free Trader; appointed by Lord Gladstone, in 1908, a Member of the Departmental Committee in connection with accidents in factories; eldest son of the late John Carlisle, M.A., Head Master of the Royal Academical Institution. Belfast; b. 8th July, 1854; m. 1884, Edith Wooster. San Francisco. Res.: 2 Lancaster Gate, London, W.; Avenue House, Bear Wood, Workingham, Berks. Royal Thames Yacht Club, W.

CARMICHAEL-FERRALL, John, D.L., J.P., Co. Tyrone (High Sheriff, 1907), B.A. (T.C.D.). Barrister, King's Inns, 1878; b. 8th Nov., 1855; eldest son of Captain Carmichael-Ferrall, R.N., and Margaret, 6th dau. of Sir John Nugent Humble, 1st Bt., of Clonkescoran, Co. Waterford: m. 1899, Elizabeth Emily, 3rd dau. of late Rev. David Henry Elrinston, Vicar of Swords, and Matilda Rowena, dau. of late Rev. Pierce Wm. Drew, Rector of Yonghal. Claims the Barony of Carmichael in Lanarkshire, dormant since the death of Andrew, 6th Earl of Hyndford, and 7th Lord Carmichael in 1817, as heir-male through his ancestor Andrew Carmichael, Provost of Dungannon, of James, 1st Lord Carmichael. Pubns.: A Reply to Mr. Hine's Identification of the British Nation with the Lost Tribes of Israel; Ireland and the Irish; The Principality of Orange and its Protestant Exiles. Res.: Auger Castle, Auger, Co. Tyrone. Club: Tyrone County.

CARPENTER, George Herbert, D.Sc, M.R.I. A., Professor of Zoology in the Royal Coll. of Science for Ireland since 1904; Secretary of the Royal Irish Academy since 1920; b. 1865; son of George Carpenter, Peckham, London. Educ.: Private school: King's College, Lond.; R. Coll. Science, Dubl.; B.Sc. (Lond.), 1890: M.Sc. and D.Sc. (Q. Univ., Belfast), 1913 and 1918; m. 1891 to Emma, daughter of Charles Eason, Dublin. Engineer's draughtsman, 1881-4; on staff of Science Library, S. Kensington, London, 1884-8; Assistant Naturalist in Nat. Museum, Dublin, 1888-1904. Joint editor of the "Irish Naturalist" since its foundation in 1892. Secretary of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland, 1910-19. Member of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland. Hon. Lay Secretary of the Hibernian Church Missionary Society since 1920. Pubns.: Insects—their Structure and Life, 1899 (in Russian, 1903): The Life Story of Insects, 1913 (in Spanish, 1922); insect Transformation, 1921; numerous zoological papers in Proc. R. Irish Acad., R. Dublin Soc, Linn. Soc, Quart. Journ. Micr. Science, etc. Recns.: cycling and hill- walking. Res.: 51 Grosvenor Road, Rathmines, Dublin.

CARRICK, Earl of, 1748: Viscount Ikerrin, 1629; Baron Butler, 1607 (Irld.); Baron Butler of Mount Juliet (Unit. Kgd., 1912), Charles Ernest Alfred French Somerset Butler, 7th Earl, O.B.E. (1918). D.L., J.P., Co. Kilkenny; Comptroller of Lord Lieutenant's Household, Ireland, 1913; Inspector of Dept. of Agriculture. Ireland; eldest son of Charles Henry, 6th Earl, and Kathleen Emilv (d. 1888), dau. of Lieut.-Col. Ross: b. 15th Nov., 1873: s. his father, 6th April. 1909: m. 1898, Ellen Rosamond Mary, dau. of late Lieut.-Col. H. G. Lindsay; five sons, two daus. Res.: Belmont House, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire. Kildare Street Club, Dublin.

CARRIGAN, Rev. William, D.D., M.I.R.A.; b. in Co. Kilkenny, 1860. Educ.: St. Kieran's. Kilkenny, and Maynooth; priest, 1884; formerly Curate at Durrow, Queen's Co., and P.P. thereof since 1909. Author of The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory. Res.: Durrow, Queen's Co.

CARROLL, Lieut.-Colonel Frederick Fitzgerald, D.S.O. (1917), R.A.M.C.; M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. (T.C.D.), L.M., Dublin, F.R.G.S.; b. 1874: son of Frederick Maxwell Carroll, J.P., Moone Abbey, Co. Kildare: m. 1918, Evelyn, dau. of Col. E. E. Bernard. Educ.: Dublin University; Bonn; Vienna. Joined Army, 1898; served Aden. 1903-4: Sudan, 1910 (Egyptian medal and clasp, 4th Class Osmanieh); Sudan. 1914-17. Principal Medical Officer, Egyptian Army. Recn.: travelling. Res.: Moone Abbey, Co. Kildare. Club: Naval and Military.