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Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/128

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Book I.
Of Occult Philoſophy.


Of Faſcination, and the Art thereof.

FAſcination is a binding, which comes from the spirit of the Witch, through the eyes of him that is bewitched, entering to his heart. Now the inſtrument of Falcination is the ſpirit, viz. a certain pure, lucid. ſubtile vapour, generated of the purer blood, by the heat of the heart. This doth alwaies ſend forth through the eyes, rayes like to it ſelſ; Thoſe rayes being ſent forth, do carry with them a ſpirituall vapour, and that vapour a blood, as it appears in bleer, and red eyes, whoſe raies being ſent forth to the eyes of him that is oppoſite, and looks upon them, carries the vapour of the corrupt blood, together with it ſelſ, by the contagion of which, it doth inſect the eyes of the beholder with the like diſeaſe. So the eye being opened, and intent upon any one with a ſtrong imagination, doth dart its beams, which are the Vehiculum of the ſpirit into the eyes of him that is oppoſize to him, which tender ſpirit ſtrikes the eyes of him that is bewitched, being ſtirred up from the heart of him that ſtrikes, and poſſeſſeth the breaſt of him that is ſtricken, wounds his heart, and inſects his ſpirit. Whence Apuleius ſaith, Thy eyes ſliding down through my eyes, into mine inward breaſt, ſtirs up a moſt vehement burning in my Marrow. Know therefore that men are then moſt bewitched, when wich oſten beholding they direct the edge of their ſight to the edg of their ſight that bewitch them, and when their eyes are reciprocally intent one upon the other, and when raies are joyned to raies, and lights to lights, for then the ſpirit of the one is joyned to the ſpirit of the other, and fixeth its ſparks: So are ſtrong ligations made, and ſo moſt vehement loves are inflamed with the only raies of the eyes, even with a certain ſudden looking on, as if it were with a dart, or ſtroke penetrating the whole body, whence then the ſpirit, and amorous blood being thus wounded, are carried forth upon the lover, and enchanter, no otherwiſe then the blood, and ſpirit

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