of the vengeance of him that is ſlain, are upon him that ſlayes him. Whence Lucretius ſang concerning thoſe amorous bewitchings.
Is Wounded with the darts of Cupid blind.
All parts do Simpathize ith wound, but know
The blood appears in that which had the blow.
So great is the power of Faſcination, eſpecially when the vapours of the eyes are ſubſervient to the affection. Therefore Witches uſe collyries, ointments, alligations, and ſuch like, to affect, and corroborate the ſpirit this or that manner. To procure love, they uſe venereall collyries, as Hippomanes, the blood of Doves, or Sparrows, and ſuch like. To induce ſear, they uſe Martiall Collyries, as of the eyes of Wolves, the Civer Car, and the like. To procure miſery or ſickneſs, they uſe Saturnine, and ſo of the reſt.
Of certain obſervations, producing wonderſull Vertues.
THey ſay that certain acts, and obſervations have a certain power of naturall things, that they believe diſeaſes may be expelled,or brought thus, and thus. So they ſay that quarcanes may be driven away if the parings of the nails of the ſick be bound to the neck of a live Eel in a linnen clout, and The be let go into the water. And Pliny ſaith, that the paring of the ſick mans nailes of his feet, and hands being mixed with wax, cure the quartine, tertian, and quotidian Ague, and iſ they be before Sun riſing faſtened to another mans gate, will cure ſuch like diſeaſes. In like manner let all the parings of the nailes be put into Piſmires caves, and they ſay that that which begun to draw the nailes firſt auſt be taken, and bound to the