Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/27

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according as I have found them. I hope an Artiſt will be able to underſtand them; as for Errata’s, as I curſorily read over the book, I obſerved theſe as you ſee mentioned. If thou ſhalt meet with any more, as it is poſſible thou mayſt, be thou candid, and impute them to the Printers miſtake; for which, as alſo for taking in the beſt ſenſe, what here I preſent thee withall, thou ſhalt for ever oblige thy friend,

J. F.


Page 5. line 1. blot out the word Naturall. p. 12. l. 13. r. Heſiod. p. 30. l. 6. r. very little. p. 24. l. 4. r. Theſe vertues are. p. 24. l 5 r. they. p. 24. l. 5 r. are. P. 41 l. 4. t. Origanum. p. 59 l. 12. r. were p. 83. l. 12 r. which. p. 86. l 37. r. Storax. p. 96. l. 31. r. or to. p 109. l 37 r. odiſſes. p 126 l. 15. r. place. p. 146. l. 7 r. brought forth. p. 183 l. 28. r. Jove. p. 185. l. 15. r. Theut. p 188. l. 14. r. taſting and feeling. p. 191. l 21. r. Manna is to be gathered, and work to be done. p. 210. l. 8. r. expiated. p. 211. l. 37. r. every. p. 235. l. 2. r. of the ſame. p. 236. l. 20. r. twelves. p. 142. l. 7. r. from it. p. 247. l. 2. for 48. r. 43 p. 247. l. 3. for 18. r. 81. p. 247. l. 6. for 38. r. 39. p. 249. l. 3. for 45 [transcription incomplete]