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Three Books of Occult Philoſophy, or of
Magick; Written by that Famous Man
Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Knight,
And Doctor of both Laws, Counſellor to
Cæſars Sacred Majeſty, and Judge of the
Prerogative Court.
Book I.
How Magicians Collect vertues from the three-fold World, is declared in theſe three Books.
eeing there is a three fold World, Elementary, Celeſtiall, and Intellectuall, and every inferior is governed by its ſuperior, and receiveth the influence of the vertues thereof, ſo that the very original, and chief Worker of all doth by Angels, the Heavens, Stars, Elements, Animals, Plants, Metals, and Stones convey from himſelf the vertues of his Omnipotency upon us, for whoſe