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Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/455

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God. But we must know that common angles of the same Star and Sign are to be taken, unless entrance be made with a mixt name, as are the names of Genii, and those of which it hath bin spoken in the preceding Ch. which are made of the dispositions of the heaven, according to the harmony of divers Stars. For as often as the table is to be entred with these, the common angle is to be taken under the Star, or Sign of him that enters. There are moreover some that do so extend those tables, that they think also if there be an entrance made with the name of a Star, or office, or any desired effect, a Demon whether good, or bad, serving to that office, or effect, may be drawn out. Upon the same account they that enter with the proper name of any person, beleeve that they can extract the names of the Genii, under that Star which shall appear to be over such a person, as they shall by his Physiognomy, or by the Passions and inclinations of his mind, and by his profession, and fortune, know him to be Martial, or Saturnine, or Solarie, or of the nature of any other Star. And although such kinde of primary names have none or little power by their signification, yet such kind of extracted names, and such as are derived from them, are of very great efficacy; as the rayes of the Sun collected in a hollow glass, do indeed most strongly burn, the Sun it self being scarce warm. Now there is an order of letters in those tables under the Stars, and Signs, almost like that which is with the Astrologers, of tens, elevens, twelves. Of this calculatory Art Alfonsus Cyprius once wrote, and I know who elss, and also fitted it to Latine Characters; But because the letters of every tongue, as we shewed in the first book, have in their number, order, and figure a Celestiall and Divine originall, I shall easily grant this calculation concerning the names of spirits to be made in only by Hebrew letters, but also by Chaldean, and Arabick, �gyptian, Greek, Latine, and any other, the tables being righty made after the imitation of the presidents. But here it is objected by many, that it falls out, that in these tables men of a differing nature, and Fortune, do oftentimes by reason of the sameness of name obtain the same Genius of the same name.