We must know therefore that it must not be thought absurd that the same Demon may he separated from any one soul, and the same be set over more. Besides, as divers men have many times the same name, so also spirits of divers offices and natures may be noted or marked by one name, by one and the same seal, or Character, yet in a divers respect: for as the serpent doth sometimes typifie Christ, and sometimes the devill; so the same names, and the same seals may be applied sometimes to the order of a good Demon, sometimes of a bad. Lastly, the very ardent intension of the invocator, by which our intellect is joyned to the separated intelligencies, causeth that we have sometimes one spirit, sometimes another, although called upon under the same name, made obsequious to us.
There follow the tables of the calculation of the names of spirits, good and bad, under the presidency of the 7. Planets, and under the order of the 12. Militant Signs.