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Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/98

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Book I.
Of Occult Philoſophy.

tains the vertue of all, by a kind of divine, and admirable art of the Bees. Yet this is not to be leſs wondred at which Endoxus Gindius reports of an artiſiciall kind of honey, which a certain Nation of Gyants in Lybia knew to make out of Flowers, and that very good, and not far inferiour to that of the Bees. for every mixtion, which conſiſts of many ſeverall things, is then moſt perfect, when it is ſo firmly compacted on all parts, that it becomes one, is every where firm to it ſelf, and can hardly be diſſipated: as we ſometimes ſee ſtones, and divers bodies to be by a certain naturall power conglutinated, and united, that they ſeem to be wholly one thing: as we ſee two trees by graſſing to become one, alſo Oiſters with ſtones by a certain occult vertue of nature, and there have been ſeen ſome Animals which have been turned into ſtones, and ſo united with the ſubſtance of the ſtone, that they ſeem to make one body, and that alſo homogeneous. So the tree Ebeny is one while wood, and another while ſtone. When therefore any one makes a mixtion of many matters under the Celeſtiall influencies, then the variety of Celeſtiall actions on one hand, and of naturall powers on the other hand, being joyned together doth indeed cauſe wonderfull things, by ointments, by collyries, by fumes, and ſuch like, which viz, are read in the book of Chiramis, Archyta, Democritus, and Hermes, who is named Alchorat, and of many others.

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