Of the Union of mixt things, and the introduction of a more noble form, and the Senſes of life.
MOreover we muſt know, that by how much the more noble the form of any thing is, by ſo much the more prone and apt it is to receive, and powerfull to act. Then the vertues of things do then become wonderfull, viz. when they are put to matters that are mixed, and prepared in ſit ſeaſons, to make them alive, by procuring life for them from the Stars, as alſo a ſenſible ſoul, as a more noble form. For there is to great a power in prepared matters which we ſee do then. receive life, when a perfect mixtion of qualities ſeems to break the former contrariety. For ſo much the more perfect life things receive, by how much their temper is more remote from contrariety. Now the Heaven, as a prevalent cauſe doth from the beginning of every thing to be generated by the concoction, and perfect digeſtion of the matter, together with life, beſtows Celeſtiall influences, and wonderfull gifts, according to the Capacity that is in that life, and ſenſible ſoul to receive more noble, and ſublime vertues. For the Celeſtiall vertue doth otherwiſe lye aſleep, as Sulphur kept from Flame, but in living bodies it doth alwaies burn, as kindled Sulphur, then by its vapour it fils all the places that are next to it; ſo certain wonderfull works are wrought, ſuch as are read in the book of Nemith, which is tituled a Book of the Laws of Pluto, becauſe ſuch kind of monſtrous generations are not produced according to the Laws of Nature. For we know that of Worms are generated Gnats, of a Horſe Waſpes, of a Calf, and Ox Bees, of a Crab, his legs being taken of, and he buried in the ground, a Scorpion; of a Duck dryed into powder, and put into Water, are generated Frogs; but if it be baked in a Pic, and cut into pieces, and pur into a moiſt place under the ground, Toads are generated of it: of the Hearb Garden Baſill bruiſed betwixt two ſtones, are generated Scorpions, and of the hairs of a menſtruous Woman put under dung, are