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for his two brothers obſtinately perſiſted in robbing him of his name.

The Caliph could not help laughing at this comical contett of the three crumps: but having at length re-aſſumed his gravity; There would be no ſuch diſpute among you, ſaid he which ſhould be Babeken, if you knew that I want to diſtinguiſh him only to give him a thouſand balinadoes for his cruelty to his brothers, and for his forbidding, his wife to entertain them in his abſence.

Watik-billah progonnced theſe words in ſo ſevere a tone, that Ibad and Syahook thought it high time to give over the jeſt: If it be ſo, my lord, ſaid each of them ſeparately, we are no longer what we tended to be, with a deſign to puniſh our brother for his ill uſage of us; if there are any blows to be received, let him receive then, for they are no more than he deſerves; as for us, my lord we implore you generoſity, and we are in hopes that your auguſt majeſty, who never ſuffers any to depart unſatisfied, will have the goodneſs to alleviate our miſery and want.

The Caliph then threw his eyes upon Babekan, whom he ſaw in the greateſt confuſion. Well, ſaid he to him. what haſt thou to ſay for thyſelf? Potent King, replied Babeken, with his face proſtrate to the earth, whatever puniſhment I am to look for from your juſtice I am nevertheleſs the huſband of this woman; my crime is ſtill the grencer, in being the only cauſe of the baniſhment of my brothers from the city of Damafeus, for a murder, of which our reſemblence hindred me from being known the author, I ought to have let them participate in my good fortune, as they ſhared in my bad: but if a ſincere repentance can obtain my pardon, I offer from the bottom of my heart to give them an equal part of all the money I