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have by my labour gained ſince my arrival here at Bagdad; and I hope your ſacred majeſty will pardon my ingratitude, upon acccunt of the ſorrow it gives me to have committed it.

The Caliph, who never intended to inflict any puniſhment upon Babeken, was very well pleaſed to ſee him in this diſpoſition of mind; and therefore pardoned him: and being willing that Ibad and Synhouk, for the pleaſure they had given him, ſhould feel the effects of his liberality, he cauſed it to be publiſhed all over Bagdad, that if there were any women who would marry the two crump brothers, he would give them each two thouſund pieces of gold. There were above twenty that were to embrace ſo confiderable a fortune: bnt Ibad and Syahouk having choſen out of that number thoſe that they thought would fit them beſt, received of the Caliph twenty thouſand ſequins more, with which they traded in fellowſhip with Babeken; and theſe three brothers ſpent their days in abundance and tranquility, under the protection of the ſovereign commander of the faithful, who was ſo liberal to the Porter, that he lived at his eaſe ever after, without having any occaſion for continuing his trade.