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AGrocer of the city of Smyrna, had a ſon, who, with the help of the little learning the country could afford, roſe to the poll of naib, or deputy to the Cady, or mayor of the city, and as ſuch, viſited the markets, and inſpected the weights and meaſures of all retail dealers. One day, as this officer was going his rounds, the neighhours, who knew enough of his father's character, to ſuſpect that he might ſtand in need of the caution, adviſed him to remove his weights for fear of the worſt: but the old cheat depending on his relation to the inſpector, and ſure, as he thought that his ſon would not expoſe him to a public affront, laughed at their advice, and ſtood very calmly at his ſhop door, waited for his coming. The naib, however, was well aſured of the diſhoneſty and unfair dealing of the father, and reſolved to detect his villany and make an example of him: accordingly, he ſtopt at the door, and ſaid, coolly to him, “ Good man, fetch out your weights, that we may examine them.” Inſtead of obeying, the gocer would have fain put it off with a laugh, but was ſoon convinced his ſon was ſerious, by hearing him order the officers to ſearch his ſhop, and ſeeing them produce the intrumens of his fraud, which, after an impartial examination were openly condemned and broken to pieces. His ſhame and conſufion, however, he hoped would plead with a ſon to excuſe him all