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The Constant Shepherd.

O Shepherd the weather is miſty and changing,
Will you now ſhow me over the hills to Traquire?
O yes, gentle ſhepherd, where have you been ranging?
To ſee ſuch a gentleman walking is rare.
I've been at the foreſt among the young laſſes
I've ſung with the ſhepherds on ilka green hill
But now I'm reſolv'd to give over my roving,
For of every thing I have had my will.
I'm afraid you have left ſome young laſſie a mourning:
You're the fineſt young gentleman ever I ſaw
Your eyes are like diamonds, your hair's like the gowan,
I fear you and them have been breaking the law.
O gentle ſhepherd have you got a wife yet;
Or do you live ſingle, come tell me the truth!
For if you live ſingle, you're ſure to be happy.
The blooming young laſſes are in ſuch a routh
I'm ſingle, for all the fair maids in the foreſt.
I mind them no more than the leaf on the tree,
But one prett y girl to whom I have promis'd
I'll marry as ſoon as my ſtock it is free.
She's charming and pretty, ſhe's both young and witty,
She's juſt like a ſwan new fallen in a pool;