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She's charming and pretty, ſhe'll ſoon make me happy,
I've lov'd her ſince ever I was at the ſchool.
O ſhepherd you're fooliſh to bind to a woman,
Believe me, you'll rue it, and that very ſoon
For if ſhe proves conſtant, you'll ſcarce find another,
You'll ſcarce find another under the moon;
For me I am no ways a mind for to marry,
But kiſs all the girls that comes in the way:
For the very laſt ſummer, between Etrick and Yarrow,
I've kiſs'd mair than twenty that ne'er ſaid me nae.
But the kindeſt young laſſie that ever I met with
She lives with her mammy, ſhe has nae mae ava;
I went for te ſee her, and O it was lucky,
For that very night the auld wife was awa:
She made up a bed, and bid me come to it,
And gave all I aſkeſt without e'er a frown,
She kiſs'd me, and bleſt me, before that we parted,
And promis'd to met me next winter in town.
O what is the name of that bonny young laſſie,
O what is her name, and what age may ſhe ſeem
Her name is Jeanie, ſhe lives in Platiney,
A tall pretty girl about ſeventeen.
A curſe light upon you and him that begat you,
And all your ain ſiſters, you limbo the dei l,
For if you've deſtroy‘d her, ye villain, here's at you,