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Jack Muuro.

In Chatham town their liv'd a worthy merhantman,
He had an only daughter as you ſhall underſtand,
This lady ſhe was courted by many a noble night,
But there was none but Jack the Sailor could gain her hearts delight.
     Could gain, &c.
Her waiting maid ſtanding by, unto her father went,
And told him the ſecret, his daughter's whole intent.
He called on his daughter with pride & diſdain,
Saying, good morrow Mrs Frazer, this was her true love's name.
It is the news, my daughter, that I have heard of thee,
Young Jack he ſhall be preſſed and you confined be:
It's here is my body, you may it then confine,
But there is none but Jack the Sailor can gain this heart of mine.
It's here is twenty guineas I give to thee,
If that you'll preſs young Jack to the wars of Germany.
As Jack he's gone on board he'll never more
I'll wed at your diſpoſal if you will ſet me free.
It's now ſhe's ſet at liberty, dreſs‘d up in man‘s array,