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Looking for an officer to carry her away;
Jack he's now on board with a ſore and troubled mind,
For the leaving of his country and darling cloſe confined.
Your name we muſt have Sir, before on board you go,
That you ſhall have quickly, it is Jack Munro.
This lady's gone on board with a troubled mind
To land in French Flanders it is her wiſh'd deſign.
Now ſhe's landed over reviewed for to be,
Standing in the ranks her own true love did ſee
She ſtepped up unto him, and thus to him did ſay,
By your features an Engliſhman you be.
If that you be willing whatever may betide,
I'll be your loyal comrade, and lie down by your ſide.
The drums did beat, and trumpets did ſound,
Unto the field of battle they were called along.
They fought on with valour, they fought couragiouſly,
Until two officers and a private by her did lie;
The officers took notice and unto her did ſay
For the valour you have ſhewn prefered you ſhall be.
A major's commiſſion on you we will beſtow,
And you may puſh your fortune brave Jack Munro.
Looking through the wounded men, her own true live did ſee,