Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/253

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87, 80] CAMARINA IS NEUTRAL 245 be used against us. And we are compelled to adopt a policy of interference because we have many interests to guard. Lastly, we come now, as we Enough of ihcsc sus- came before, not uninvited, but upon P'"ons. U'c come at . ~ roiir own iHviiatton ; your own mvitation to assist those of ^„,„i ,„„ ,,„,i i,,,„, „,, you who are suffering wrong. Do not us if ivc can be of use sit in judgment upon our actions, or 'o you. Do not judge , , , . , , . ^ or advise us but avail seek to school us mto moderation and ,„,,,,,^,sofourpozver, so divert us from our purpose (the time ivhich is everywhere the for good advice has gone by), but in as ^^'°>' °f """ oppressor r , ,11 ... and the friend of the far as our busy, meddlesome spirit can ^^^,.,,,,^^ ,-,. ,,„„, ,„. be of service to you as well as to our- cvitabk contest with the selves, take and use us, remembering Syracusans. that these qualities, so far from being injurious to all alike, actually benefit great numbers of the Hellenes. For in all places — however remote from our sphere — both he who fears and he who intends injustice, the one because he has a lively hope that from us he will obtain redress, and the other because he may well be alarmed for the consequences if we answer to the call, must both alike submit, the one to learn moderation against his will, the other to receive at our hands a deliverance which costs him nothing. Do not reject the common salvation which is offered to you at this moment, as well as to all who seek it, but following the example of your countrymen join with us and, instead of having always to watch the Syracusans, assert your equality and threaten them as they have long been threatening 3'ou.' Thus spoke Euphemus. Now the Camarinaeans were 88 swayed by opposite feelings ; they had •' . .,,, ., . , I he Camarinaeans a good will to the Athenians, tempered suspect the designs of by a suspicion that they might be in- the Athenians and are tending to enslave Sicily, whereas the "-^'"'"^ °-f. •' •?>^- ^ - , . . . cusan neighbours. They Syracusans, from their proximity, were ,.,,^^^„ ,^ „^^^^f^ ,y always at feud with them. But they either, the Syracusans, were not so much afraid of the '"'/ ^° ^"/"^ neutral- Athenians as of their S^a-acusan neigh-