Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/254

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246 ATHENIANS AT CAT ANA [vi hours, who, as they thought, might win without their assistance. This was the reason why they sent them the small body of horse which took part in the first battle ; and in a like spirit they now determined that for the future they would give real assistance only to the Syra- cusans, but to a very moderate extent. For the present however, that they might seem to deal equal justice to the Athenians, especially after their recent victory, they resolved to return the same answer to both. Such were the considerations which led them to reply that, as two of their allies were at war with one another, they thought that under the circumstances the best way of observing their oaths would be to assist neither. So the two embassies departed. The Syracusans proceeded with their own preparations The Athenians in the ^01" t^e war, and the Athenians who Siccl country. They re- were encamped at Naxos tried by ne- move from Naxos to gotiation to gain ovcr as many of the Catann, send envoys „., ^, ,, ^, , ,, to Carthage and Tyr- Sicels as they could. The dwellcrs in rhenia, and prepare for the plain who WCre SubjectS of the tl,e s,cgc of Syracuse. Syracusans mostly Stood aloof, but the Sicel settlements in the interior (which had always been independent) at once, with a few exceptions, joined the Athenians, and brought down food to the army ; in some cases money also. Against those who were recalcitrant troops were despatched by the Athenians ; and some of them were forced into submission, but others were protected by the garrisons which the S^'racusans sent to their aid. They then transferred their station from Naxos to Catana and, reconstructing the camp which had been burnt by the Syracusans ', passed the winter there. In the hope of obtaining assistance they sent a trireme to Carthage with a proposal of friendship ; likewise to Tyrrhenia, since some of the cities there were offering of themselves to join them in the war: to the various Sicel tribes 'j and to the Egestaeans they issued orders that they were to send a Cp. vi. 75 med. Cp. vi. 98 init.