Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/356

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348 REVOLUTION IN SAMOS [vill the rest escaped to Teos. The Athenians then sailed away to Samos. The Chians with their remaining ships put to sea again, and, assisted by the land-forces of their allies'*, caused first Lebedus, and afterwards Erae, to revolt. Both the army and the fleet then returned home. 20 About the same time the twenty Peloponnesian ships Escape of the ships ^^"^^ had been chased into Piraeum, blockaded at Piraeum. and Were now blockaded by a like They prepare to start number of Athenian ships, made a sally, defeated the Athenians, and took four ships ; they then got away to Cenchreae, and once more prepared to sail to Chios and Ionia. At Cenchreae they were met by Astyochus, the admiral from Lacedaemon, to whom the whole of the Peloponnesian navy was about to be entrusted. By this time the land-forces of Clazomenae and Erythrae ^ Teos consents to had retired from Teos, and Tissa- veutrahty. phenies, who had led a second army thither in person and overthrown what was left of the Athenian fort, had retired also. Not long after his depar- ture, Diomedon arrived with ten ships, and made an agreement with the Teians, who promised to receive the Athenians as well as the Peloponnesians. He then sailed to Erae, which he attacked without success, and departed. 21 About the same time a great revolution occurred in _, , rr- Samos. The people, aided by the The people 0/ Santos ^ , ai. 1,., rise against the noNes <^'"^^^'s o' tn>"ee Athenian vessels which and sit tip a democracy, happened to be on the spot, rose The Atheniatts grant against the nobles, slew in all about them tndependence. ^ , 1 • r 1 ..... two hundred of them, and banished four hundred more ; they then distributed their land and houses among themselves. The Athenian people, now assured of their fidelity, granted them independence; and henceforward the city was in the hands of the democracy. They denied to the former landed proprietors all the privi- • Cp. viii. 16 init. b Cp. viii. 16 init. ; 19 fin.