Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/357

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20-23] REVOLT AND RECOVERY OF MYTILENE 349 D.I Mytilcnc and (q Meth- unng the same summer -^ , ,,' ^ ytnna to revolt. leges of citizenship, not even allowing them to contract marriage with any family belonging to the people, nor any of the people with them. The zeal of the Chians did not abate. They had already 22 begun to go out with armies and raise revoUs independently of the Pelopon- ^ Jt f itr Tw nesians ^, and they wished to draw as army co-operates with many cities as they could into their '['^^'"-^ They hiduce {&) own danger. they sent out a Chian fleet numbering thirteen ships. The expedition was directed first against Lesbos, the Lacedaemonians having originally instructed their officers to proceed from Chios to Lesbos, and thence to the Hellespont. It was placed under the command of Deiniadas, one of the Perioeci. Meanwhile the infantry of the Peloponnesiansand of the neighbouring allies, under Evalas, a Spartan, moved along the shore towards Clazo- menae and Cyme. The fleet sailed to Lesbos, and first induced Methymna to rebel ; there leaving four of their ships, with the remainder they raised a revolt in Mytilene. Meanwhile Astyochus the Lacedaemonian admiral, with 23 four ships, set forth, as he intended, from Cenchreae, and arrived at Chios. On the third day after his arrival a division of the Athenian fleet, number- ing twenty-five ships, sailed to Lesbos under the command of Leon and Dio- medon ; Leon had arrived from Athens later than Diomedon with a reinforce- ment of ten ships. On the same day, towards evening, Astyochus put to sea, and taking with him one Chian ship, sailed to Lesbos, that he might render any assistance which he could to the Chian fleet. He came to Pyrrha, and on the following day to Ercsus, where The Athenians first, and afiei-U'ards Asty- ochus, tvho has neivly arrived from Cenchreae, sail to Lesbos. Mytilene is retaken by the Athen- ians, and the Chian ships captured. Atteni/>1 to snpport Methymna, which fails, like all the plans of Astyochus in Lesbos. The Athenians recover the whole of Lesbos, and afterwards Clazomenae. Cp. viii. 19 Cp. viii. 8 med.