Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/358

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35© DECLINE OF LACEDAEMONIAN AFFAIRS [vill he heard that Mytilene had been taken by the Athenians at the first blow. The Athenian ships had sailed right into the harbour when they were least expected, and captured the Chian vessels ; the men on board had then landed, and defeating in a battle a Mytilenean force which came out to meet them, had taken possession of the city. Astyochus heard the news from the Eresians, and from the Chian ships which had been left with Eubulus at Methymna. They had fled when Mytilene was taken, and had now fallen in with him ; but only three out of the four, for one of them had been captured by the Athenians. Upon this, instead of going on to Mytilene, he raised a revolt in Eresus, and armed the inhabitants : he then disembarked the heavy-armed from his ships and sent them by land to Antissa and Methymna under the command of Eteonicus ; and with his own and the three Chian ships coasted thither himself, hoping that the Methymnaeans would take courage at the sight of them and persevere in their revolt. But everything went against him in Lesbos ; so he re-embarked his troops and sailed back to Chios. The land-forces from the ships which were intended to go to the Hellespont ■'^ also returned to their several homes. Not long afterwards six ships came to Chios from the allied forces of the Pelo- ponnesians now collected at Cenchreae. The Athenians, when they had re-established their influence in Lesbos, sailed away, and having taken Polichne on the mainland, which the Clazomenians were fortifying, brought them all back to their city on the island, except the authors of the revolt, who had escaped to Daphnus. So Clazomenae returned to the Athenian alliance. 24 During the same summer the Athenians, who were The Athettiaus at Stationed with twenty of their ships at Ladi make a descent ^he island of Lade c and were watching the enemy in Miletus, made a descent upon Panormus in " The meaning is obscure; see note. ^ Cp. viii 14 fin. c q^ ^.y^ ,^ fi^.