Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/469

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INDEX 461 Euthydemus (coni.) — Alliance, v. 19 fin., 24 med. ; joined with Nicias in command before S^'racuse, vii. 16 init. ; commands under Demosthenes in the last sea fight, ib. 69 fin. Euxine, the, ii. 96 init., 97 fin. Evalas, a Spartan commander, viii. 22 fin. Evarchus, driven from Astacus by the Athenians, ii. 30 med. ; re- stored by the Corinthians, ib. 33 init. Evarchus, founder of Catana, vi. 3 fin- Evenus, river in Aetolia, ii. 83 med. Evesperitae, in Libya, vii. 50 init. Execestus, father of Sicanus, a Syracusan, vi. 73. Exiles, the faults of, vi. 12 init., 92 init. Expediency and justice, i. 36, 42 init., 76, iii. 40 med., 44, 56, 82 fin., v. 90, 98, 107. F. Famines, famine in Cyprus, i. 112 med. ; during the war, i. 23 med. ; in Potidaea during the siege, ii. 70 init. ; in Corcyra, iv. 2 fin. ; in Plataea, iii, 52 init., med. ; famine, the most miserable of deaths, iii. 59 fin. Fear, renders skill useless, ii. 87 med. ; the only solid basis of alliance, iii. 11 init. [cp. 12 init. ] Festivals, of Zeus ' the Gracious,' i. 126 med. ; the Synoecia at Athens, ii. 15 med. ; the Dionysia at Athens, ib. v. 23, § iv ; of Apollo Maloeis at Mytilene, iii. 3 med. ; the Hyacinthia at Sparta, v. 23, § iv ; ib. 41 fin. ; the Great Pan- athenaea at Athens, ib. 47 fin., vi. 56 med. ; the Gymnopaediae at Sparta, v. 82 init. ; the Carnea at Sparta, ib. 54 med., 75 med., 76 init. ; Heracles at Syracuse, vii. 73 med. ; rigid observance of festivals by the Lacedaemonians, iv, 5 init., V. 54, 82 init. ; festi- vals at Athens, i. 70 fin., ii. 38 init. Fines, Pericles fined, ii. 65 init. ; fines imposed on members of the oligarchical party at Cor- cyra, iii. 70 med. ; on Euryme- don by the Athenians, iv. 65 ; on the Lacedaemonians by the Eleans, v. 49 ; on Agis by the Lacedaemonians, ib. 63. Five Hundred, council of, or Se- nate, at Athens, viii. 66 init. ; broken up by the oligarchs, ib. 69 ; its restoration demanded by Alcibiades, ib. 86 med. Five Thousand, the sham govern- ment of, offered by the oligar- chical conspirators, viii. 65 fin., 67 fin., 72 med., 86 med. ; used as a cloak for restoration of de- mocracy, ib. 89 med., 92 fin. ; the oligarchs promise to publish the names of the 5000, ib. 93; estab- lished by the people, ib. 97 ; ex- cellence of the constitution, ib. Flute - players, employed in the Lacedaemonian army, v. 70, Fortune, uncertainty of, i. 140 med., iii. 59 init. ; man not the master of fortune, iv. 64 init., vi. 23 med., 78 med. ; from the Gods, V. 112 med. Fortune, good, the nemesis which follows upon, iv. 17 med.; ordi- nary good fortune better than extraordinary, iii. 39 med. Four Hundred, government of, introduced by the oligarchical conspirators at Athens, viii. 67- 70 ; despatch heralds to Agis and afterwards to Sparta, ib. 70 fin., 71 fin.; send commissioners to Samos, ib. 72 init. ; detain the crew of the Paralus, who bring news of the revolution, ib. 74 ; reception of their envoys at Sa-