Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/470

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462 INDEX Four Hundred {cont.) — mos, ib, 86 init., med. ; their en- voys to Sparta captured by the Parah who had escaped, ib. fin.; dissensions arise, ib. 89 ; tlie leaders willing to betray Athens to the enemy to save their own power, ib. 90 init., 91 fin.; fortify Eetionea, ib. 90 med., 91 med. ; enter into negotiations with the popular party after the destruc- tion of Eetionea, »'6. 93; deposed, ib. 97 init. Funeral, public, of those who first fell in the war, ii. 34; ofBrasidas, V. II init. G. Galepeus, in Thrace, a Thasian colon}', iv. 107 fin.; revolts from Athens, ib. ; stormed by the Athenians, v. 6 init. Games, Delian,iii. 104 med.; Ephes- ian, ib. ; Pythian, v. i init. ; Olympian, iii. 8, v. 47 fin., 49, 50 ; Isthmian, viii. 9, 10 init. Garments, offered at sepulchres, iii. 58 med. Gates, the Thracian,at Amphipolis, v. 10 init. Gaulites, a Carian, viii. 85 init. Gela, a river in Sicily, vi. 4 med. Gela, founded from Rhodes by Antiphemus and Entimus, vi. 4 med., vii. 57 med. ; Agrigentum founded from, vi. 4 med. ; bor- ders on Caoiarina, vii. 58 init. ; conference at, iv. 58 ; receives and assists Gylippus, vii. i fir..; sends aid to Syracuse, ib. 33 init., 57 med. Gelo, tyrant of Syracuse, vi. 4 init.; e.xpels the Megareans, ib., ib. 94 init.; colonises Camarina a third time, ib. 5 fin. General, speech of a Syracusan, vi. 41. Geraestus, in Euboea, iii. 3 fin. Geraneia, Mount, in Megaris, i. 105 med., 107 med., 108 init., iv 70 med. Gerastius, a Spartan month, iv. 119 init. Geta, a Sicel fort, vii. 2 med. Getae, a people bordering on the Scythians, ii. 96 init , 98 fin. Gigonus, in Chalcidice, i. 61 fin. Glauoe, in the territory of Mycal^, viii. 79 init. Glaucon, an Athenian commander, i. 51 med. Goaxis, sons of, kill Pittacus, king of the Edonians, iv. 107 fin. Goddess, curse of the, i. 126. Gods, the, portions of land dedi- cated to, in the confiscation of Lesbos, iii. 50 med. ; the, wor- shipped at common altars, ib. 59 init. ; altar of the Twelve Gods at Athens, v. 54 fin. Gods, the, protect the right, i. 86 fin., V. 104 ; approve the princi- ple, ' That they should rule who can,' V. 105 init. ; their jealousy, vii. 77 med. Gold mines in Thrace ; workings owned by Thucydides, iv. 105 init. Gong>'lus, an Eretrian, an envo}' of Pausanias, i. 128 med. Gongylus, a Corinthian commander, vii. 2 init. Gortynia, in Macedonia, ii. 100 med. Gortys, in Crete, ii. 85 med. Graaeans, a Paeonian tribe, ii. 96 med. Graphe paranomon, at Athens, re- pealed by the oligarchy, viii. 67. Grappling irons, see Ships. Grasshoppers, ornaments in the form of, once worn at Athens, i. 6 med. Greatness exposed to the attacks both of envy and of fear, vi. 78 med. Grestonia, a district of Macedonia, ii. 99 fin., 100 med.