Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/319

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Tixall Poetry.
And men contract such debts in love, that they
Compounding, can't one of a hundred pay;
Yet from our trust they do imperious grow,
And think it glorious they so much can owe.
They boast that none shall rule their harts alone,
They'l have a commonwealth, and not a throne.
Indeed, you all doe traiterous subjects prove,
But you are excellent levellers in love:
For least that jealousy grow from mistake,
You now in common all your courtships make.
No, Coridon, had all the world been sought,
And all perfections from all persons brought;
Had Solomon his wondrous wisdom lent,
And Alexander all his courage sent;
Had Nature rifled her exhaustless store,
And all those noble heroes we adore,
To place in you what each did but enjoy,
Your fickle humour would my love destroy:
I should, as others did, your worth admire,
But never flame would take at such a fire.

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