Page:Token for mourners.pdf/5

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Gehazi asks after her family, that this “well" only refers to her husband and herself. Others think it is but a transition to something farther, which she was in haste to say; as if she had said, "All is well do not hinder me, I have urgent business with your master Elisha, and cannot stay to talk farther with you upon any matters." This is the sense which most annotators incline to, which, I confess, I the more wonder at, because all agree, that the apostle's words in part refer to his story, Heb. xi. 35. “Women received their dead raised to life again.” How they received them is there specified; namely, by or “through faith;"

Faith, not as some carry it, in the prophet, but in the persons who had their dead restored to them; or else there would have been no need to make mention of any by name. Now wherein this woman's faith appeared, my text and context make manifest. Here was a dependence upon God's promise, an abiding by that, God had promised her a son; a son, not to lose him but to have comfort in him; and, as if she had said, “As for God, his work is perfect, he does not use to raise his people's expectations for nothing; to give and immediately take away again, My son is dead, but God, all sufficient liveth; why should I mourn as though I had no hope? As for God's power and faithfulness there is no